Development And It's Infrastructure

Sustainable Development :
Mrs. Gro Harlem Bruntland  then Prim Minister of Norway  was appointed as the Chairperson of Brundtland Commission , a report was published in  December 1983 A.D known as 'OUR COMMON FUTURE ' also known as Brundtland Report.
Sustainable Development refers to the eco-friendly , long-lasting and positive development which brings out progressive result.

Objectives of SD:
1.Poverty Alleviation
2.Conservation of Environment
3.Mobilization oh Human Resources
4.High and Stable Economic Growth

Dimensions of SD :
1. Social 
4. Political

Development Projects :
Such Programs which runs with proper utilization of available means and resources achieving certain goals within certain period of time. There are 21 (6.9)% projects of National Pride and Concern and 455 are ongoing projects 

Some of the National Projects are as mentioned below:
1.Babai Irrigation Project
2.Pushpala Mid-Hill Highway
3.West seti hydro project
4.Kathmandu - Terai Fast Track
5. Sikta Irrigation Project

Human Resource: 
Any person with certain ability and skills

Types of Human Resourse:
1.Skilled Human Resource
2.Semi- Skilled Human Resource
3.Unskilled Human Resource
The Differences Between Skilled , semi - skilled and unskilled manpower are as follows:
A.Skilled labour 
1.Skilled labour is a labour who have specialised training for a particular profession and also have a long practical experience of the job.
2. They are highly paid. 
3.They Supervise Other personnel in organization .
4.E.g. doctors, engineers, chartered accountants,craft ,trade,industry

B.Semi skilled labour 
1.Semi skilled workers are who have only a part of a professional training of their trade but have sufficient experience in that field. 
2.He has limited authority power .
3.They are paid less as compared to skilled workers. 
4.E.g.carpenters, goldsmith etc.

Unskilled workers 
1.Unskilled workers are employed for carrying out such jobs which do not require any specialised professional skill. 
2.They are paid low wages
3.Extra Physical Eertion is required .
4.E.g. labourers employed at construction site.

 Millennium Development Goals(MDGs):
 The Eight international Development Goals which were made concluded on september 2000 for the upcoming 15 years 

MDGs Consists of Above 8 Developments Goal:-

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS):
Transforming our world : the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable development are goals that were agreed upon 193 memeber ststes of UN folllowing 17 SDGs.

The Following Includes the 17 Set of SDGs:

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