Answer the following questions:

1. What is demography? Explain.
Ans: Demography is the measurement of the population of a specific place in a particular time and their scientific study. Demography means the statistical and mathematical study of population size, regional distribution, composition and population change. Demography can also be stated as the scientific study of human population.
The measure of population growth rate, population doubling time, infant mortality rate, maternal mortality rate, crude birth rate, crude death rate, sex ratio, dependency ratio, etc. From the demographic study of population a clear cut idea about the population situation can be visualized and the plans and policies can be made for the existing population for their progress and development. Therefore demography is very important.
2. Write the major sources of population statistics.
Ans: The major sources of population statistics are as follows:
-Primary Sources
-Vital registration
-Sample survey
-Administrative records
-Secondary sources
-Organizations and institutions
3. Is sample survey a good source of population statistics? Justify your answer.
Ans: Sample survey is the source of population statistics in which the population data is obtained by choosing some sample from the country and conducting survey on them. It is the quickest and the easiest way of obtaining the population statistics. Although it is very easy and quick process, this process cannot be stated as the good source of population data. This process may not always give the accurate data about the population because the sample chosen during the survey might not always represent the people from various groups. Sometimes this source of population data might be very good and accurate but the probability of getting inaccurate data is very high in this process. Therefore in my opinion sample survey is not a good source of population data.
4. What are the sources of demographic measures? Explain.
Ans: The sources of demographic measures are as follows:
Birth is also the source of demographic measure because from birth following demographic measurement can be done. They are:
-Crude Birth Rate
-General Fertility Rate
-Age Specific Fertility Rate
-Total Fertility Rate
Death is also the source of demographic measure because from death following demographic measurement can be done. They are:
-Crude Death Rate
-Age Specific Death Rate
-Infant Mortality Rate

Migration is a source of demographic measure because from migration following demographic measurements can be done. They are:
-In Migration Rate
-Out Migration Rate
-Net Migration Rate
-Gross Migration Rate
5. Define crude birth rate. Write the formula of measuring crude birth rate.
Ans: Crude Birth Rate is the total number of living infants born within a year in a place or country by the total number of midyear population and multiplied by thousand. Midyear population is either the population of July 1 or the population of January 1 and December last divided by 2. The formula of measuring crude birth rate is as follows:

CBR = TotalnumberoflivebirthsinayearMidyearpopulation100

6. What do you mean by age specific fertility rate? Explain its importance and necessity.
Ans: Age specific fertility rate is the rate of fertility in which the birth of the child of the woman in a certain age group is divided by the mid year population of the women age group and multiplied by thousand. Age specific fertility rate is important because this data shows the most active age group to give birth and the most inactive group in the child bearing process. It is necessary because this data also provides idea which is the most fertile, suitable and safe period to give birth to the child.
7. How is age specific death rate measured? Explain and write the formula of measuring age specific death rate.
Ans: Age specific death rate is measured by dividing the total number of deaths in a specific age group by the total midyear population of the age group and multiplying by thousand. Age specific death rate is measured by using the following formula:
ASDR = NumberofdeathbirthsinaparticularagegroupTotalmidyearpopulationofthatagegroupX1000

8. What is migration? How does it affect the population distribution of a place?
Ans: Migration is the process of transferring of people from one place to another place for permanent settlement. Migration affects the distribution of population of the place. The distribution of the population of the particular place will be affected because due to urbanization the people will migrate to urban areas which will definitely increase the population of that place. Similarly the population of the urban areas will decrease accordingly. In this way migration creates uneven distribution of population. So migration is not a good factor in population because people do not migrate to rural areas where there are ample natural resources. The proper exploitation of natural resources is decreasing due to migration.
9. What are the biological factors that affect birth? Explain any three of them with examples.
Ans: There are various biological factors affecting birth. The biological factors affecting birth are heredity, age, ovulation, lactation, miscarriage and health. Any three of them are described below:
-Heredity: Heredity affects birth because the problems related to reproductive organs; reproductive process and infection of sexually transmitted diseases have negative effects on fertility.
-Age: People become fecund after they reach certain age of maturity. Girls become fecund after they reach the age of 14-15 and they can conceive upto the age of 49. Therefore age is the biological factor affecting birth.
-Health: Healthy man has healthy life and their child bearing capacity is affected by their health also. Therefore health is the biological factor affecting birth.
10. Make a list of the factors affecting death rate and explain any four of them.
Ans: The factors affecting death rate are heredity, sex, senescence, diseases, level of nutrition, health services and facilities and health education. Any four of them are described below:
-Heredity: Longevity of life is characteristics of heredity. Long life is attributed to heredity. Some people whose forefather lived for a long period of time are also living longer. Longevity of human life depends on the environment where they are born and brought up.
-Sex: It has been found that female live longer than males. This trend has not only been seen in a certain countries but everywhere in the world. It has also been found that infant mortality rate for boys are higher than for girls.
-Diseases: This is the age of science and technology. In spite of great development of science and technology, scientists have not been able to prevent death. People have to lose their life being the victim of infectious, fatal and hereditary diseases.
-Level of nutrition: Food is one of the bases of life. Continuous intake of nutritious food is as important as air and water for the survival of life. Lack of nutritious food makes people fight against diseases which ultimately take the life towards death.
11. What are the factors affecting migration? Explain with examples.
Ans: The factors affecting migration are age, sex, family status and occupation. They are described as follows:
-Age: In both of the internal and international migration, young age people migrate more than the people of other age groups. One of the reasons behind this is that young people can easily adapt in a new place, society or climate. The number of migrants from children, old age groups is very low in comparison to the young and economically active population.
-Sex: Internally, female migrate more than males because they have to leave their parents home and go to their husband's home after they get married. Males migrate in search of work.
-Family status: The status of a person also affects migration. Young and unmarried people migrate more than the married and people of other age group.
-Occupation: People have to migrate from their birth place to new place for occupation. By the nature of work people do migrate from one place to another place.
12. Which aspects of our life are adversely affected by the migration from one place to another? Explain in short.
Ans: Various aspects of migration are affected adversely by the migration of people from one place to another. The areas affected by migration are environmental aspect, economic aspect and health and social aspect.
Environmental aspect: Migration has direct effects on environmental aspects. The problems of the destruction of natural resources, environmental degradation and natural imbalance and pollution are increasing. Due to the misuse of natural resources and excessive deforestation, the balance between human being and environment has been affected. The disturbance in the natural balance has created pollution of different kinds in our surroundings.
Economic aspect: because of the flow of migration from Hills to Terai has created shortage of competent, efficient and active manpower in the hilly region. The effects have been seen in the development and construction works in the hilly areas. Most of the immigrants in Nepal are skilled workers, laborers and businessman. There is a competition between the immigrants and the local people because of high level skills and low rate of wages. The immigrant workers have strong control over the labor market of the trade and industries of Nepal. This has developed a situation of monopoly of immigrants in Nepal. All the wage, profit and properties earned by immigrants are sent to their own countries. This has adverse effects on the economy of the country.
Health and social aspect: Different studies have shown that the migrants from the Hills to the Terai and from the rural areas to urban areas are mainly young males and the educated persons. Effects of migration are the emergence of several of social disorders and crimes. The mentality and concept of migrants may be different from that of local people. This may be because of the differences in caste, language, culture and so on. These factors may lead to conflicts, tensions and crimes in the mixed society of migrants and the local people.
2. Write short notes on:
1. Demographic measure
The measurement of the three components of fertility, mortality and migration are necessary for the proper analysis of population. The rates of fertility, mortality and migration are used for measuring population changes using different formula. Necessary figures are calculated from these measures. We can analyze the changes in size, composition and distribution of population. Moreover, the trend of the changes of population in the future can also be analyzed.
The fertility rate can be obtained in the following ways:
-Crude Birth Rate
-General Fertility Rate
-Age Specific Fertility Rate
-Total Fertility Rate
The mortality rate can be obtained in the following ways:
-Crude Death Rate
-Age Specific Death Rate
-Infant Mortality Rate
The migration rate can be obtained in the following ways:
-In Migration Rate
-Out Migration Rate
-Net Migration Rate
-Gross Migration Rate
2. Administrative records
Administrative records are one of the sources of obtaining the population data. It is the primary source of population data. These records cannot cover the whole population of the country. The administrative offices and the agencies collect and keep the records of data necessary for the official use. The data obtained by the records kept by those officers are useful in recording the vital events and sample surveys. Specific data related to the life of the people can be obtained from voter's list, records of trade unions, records of citizenship, telephone directory, records maintained by non-government organizations.
3. Total fertility rate
Total fertility rate refers to the average numbers of infants born to a women or a age group of women during the period of 15 to 49 years. Total fertility rate is derived from the age specific fertility rates. Total fertility rate is calculated by multiplying the sum of the age specific fertility rate with 5 and dividing the result with 1000. Total fertility rate is expressed in terms of the number of ever born child per women. The formula for calculating total fertility rate is:
TFR = ASFRAgeintervalof51000

4. Infant mortality rate
Infant mortality rate is taken as an important indicator of age specific death rate. The death rate out of 0-1 year's age group in population is the highest of each country. In a country where infant mortality rate is high the economic, social and health conditions of the country is regarded to be poor. Infant mortality rate is calculated by dividing the number of deaths of the infants by the numbers of total live births of infants and multiplying by 1000. The formula can be written as follows:
IMR = NumberofdeathofinfantsinayearX10001000

5. Net migration rate
The difference between the number of people in migrants and the number of out migrants is called net migration rate. The following formula can be used to calculate the net migration rate:
NMR = (NumberofinmigrantsNumberofoutmigrants)X1000Totalmidyearpopulationofthatyear

6. Doubling time of population
If the population growth rate is one percentage then the population of the certain place will double in seventy years. Population doubling time can be obtained by dividing the population growth rate by 70. The formula for calculating doubling time of population can be written as follows:
3. Differentiate between:
1. Demographic components and Demographic processes
Demographic components
Demographic processes
Birth, death and migration are the demographic components. The change in population size of any place or region mainly depends upon birth, death and migration.
Fertility, mortality and migration are the demographic processes. The demographic processes of fertility, mortality and migration bring change in the size, composition and distribution of population.
2. Census and Sample survey
Sample survey
Census is the total process of collecting, compiling, analyzing and publishing or otherwise dissimilating demographic, economic or social data pertaining to the people of the country or well delineated part of the country.
The primary source of population data in which the samples are chosen from various fronts and data is collected is called sample survey. It is the easiest method to collect the population data.
Census requires long time to be done for the population data.
Sample survey requires less time than the census to collect the population data.
Census is more accurate than sample survey.
The result of sample survey may not be accurate all the time.
3. Fertility and Fecundity
Fertility is the actual birth performance of woman during her reproductive period.
Fecundity is the psychological notion or the actual birth giving capacity of a woman.
4. General fertility rate and Age specific fertility rate
General fertility rate
Age specific fertility rate

General fertility rate is the total number of birth divided by the total midyear population of the particular place multiplied by thousand.
Age specific fertility rate is the total number of births of the specific age group divided by the population of the age group multiplied by thousand.

The formula is:
GFR=(Total live birth X 1000) / Mid- year population of women(15-49)
The formula is:
GFR=(Total live birth of a age group X 1000) / Mid- year population of age group
5. In-migration rate and Out-migration rate
In-migration rate
Out-migration rate
The rate of number of people migrating to certain place is called the in-migration rate of that place.
The rate of number of people migrating from certain place is called the out-migration rate of that place.
The formula is:
IMR= (No. of in-migrants X 1000) / Midyear population
The formula is:
OMR= (No. of out-migrants X 1000) / Midyear population
6. Population growth rate and Rate of natural increase
Population growth rate
Rate of natural increase
The sum of the rate of natural increase of population and the rate of in-migration is the population growth rate.
The rate in which the population increases because of more birth and less death is called the rate of natural increase.
The formula is:
RNI= (CBR-CDR) X 100 / 1000
The formula is:
PGR=(CBR-CDR +-NMR)X 100 / 1000

a) What is quality of life? Explain in your own words.
Ans: The fulfillment of basic as well as additional needs in order to have a life full of happiness and satisfaction is called quality of life. Quality of life is a degree of happiness or satisfaction that is achieved by the fulfillment of various needs in ones life.

b) Why does the defination of the quality of life vary according to the country situation and time? Explain with reasons.
Ans: The defination of quality of life vary according to country's situation and time. Quality of life is the degree of happiness and satisfaction in ones life. Definitely in the modern world everything is progressing rapidly. Due to the advancement of science and technology the expectation of people have become very very high. The tasks which were thought impossible are nowadays been completed very easy by the assistance of noe technology. In the past people were very happy when they got a good fooding, housing and clothing. But eventually the people have started demanding high and high. So their expectations should be met to have a good quality of life for them. In the war striken countries the stoppage of the war will be the expectation of the people and if the war is stopped then the people will feel secure and happy and their quality of life is accordingly met. Therefore, by the change of time and the country's situation the defination of the quality of life changes.

c) What type of role does the quality of life play on the social development? Give appropriate reasons.
Ans: Quality of life plays a very important role in the social development. An individual is the part of the family. Quality of life is effective for each of the individuals of the family. If all the members of the family will have good quality of life then the family can live happy and prosperous life. Similarly a society consists of different such families. When the families of the society have a good and happy life then the society will develop a platform for other developmental activities. When the people of the society will have their good quality of life then they look towards the social development and the success in the social development can be achieved eventually. Therefore the good quality of life plays an important positive role on the social development.

d) What are the elements/components of quality of life? Describe any five.
Ans: The elements of quality of life are as under:
• Nutritious food
• Family size
• Health
• Sanitation
• Education
• Family income
• Security
• Saving
• Housing
• Social and cultural values
The description of any five of them are as follows:
• Nutritious food: nutritious food is one of the elements of quality of life. It plays an important role to develop family members physically, mentally, emotionally,etc. Lack of nutritious food and balanced diet results to malnutrition. Due to malnutrition people become weak, powerless and also suffer from various diseases. 
• Family size: The family size is an important element for quality of life. It directly affects other elements of quality of life. If the family size is large then the family has to spend more amount of money to fulfill the basic needs. Where as if the family size is small then the family can easily maintain the basic needs. So family size is one of the elements of quality of life.
• Health: Health is wealth of the man. If money is lost nothing is lost but if health is lost then everything is lost. So health is very important. A person has to have a very good health in order to have a quality of life. So a good health needs to be maintained for all the family members in order to have a quality of life of the family.
• Sanitation: Sanitation is a very important element of quality of life. If we keep our surrounding such as house, courtyard, waste material pit, public well, tap, path road, ponds, lake, etc. then our life style improves. Consequently, quality of life can be achieved.
• Education: Education is the only great thing which can lead a man from darkness to brightness. It can make a person learned and an educated person can deal with any sorts of difficulties very easily. Therefore education is considered as an important element of quallity of life.

e) What types of works, programs or creative activities can you do to make the qualitative life of your family and community? Give reasons.
Ans: Various types of works can be done in order to make the qualitative life of the family and the community. Awareness programmes should be organized about the facts of quality of life. People should be taught about the sanitary habits and education because they can progress and improve their quality of life. Other many sorts of creative works can also be initiated and raise the quality of life of the people. The quality of life must be very strictly observed by the people so that they can make tremendous progress in their living standard. In these ways the quality of life of the people can be met in the family and the community.

f) What types of income generating possibilities can you see in your locality? Prepare a list of possible income generating activities and programs.
Ans: In our locality also various sorts of income generating activities can be done. The income generating activities and programs are as under:
• Carpenter
• Construction works
• Fish farming (pisciculture)
• Agriculture
• Vermiculture

g) It is very difficult to change low quality of life into the high quality of life once it degrades into low level. Explain this.
Ans: Total quality of life is the sum total of low quality of life and high quality of life. Actually when the high quality of life degrades to low quality of life then it is very difficult to upgrade that sort of life. Continuous effort should made in order to make progress in such life. Every requirement to have a quality of life must be fulfilled. Every demand in the life in order to have a happy and prosperous life must be fulfilled. So it is better to maintain the high quality of life because it will be very difficult when it degrades.

2. Give reasons:
a) Each family and couple needs nutritious and balanced diet to live quality of life.
Ans: Food is the most important thing to live a life. Without food people will not be able live because it is the main siurce that provides energy to do various works. Balance diet and nutritious food is the prime thing required to have a quality of life. Nutritious food provides energy to do various works. Similarly balanced diet also provides very good immune system to fight against diseases. Therefore a family and couple needs nutritious food and balanced diet to live a quality of life.

b) Education helps to improve the quality of life of individual and the family.
Ans: Education is the thing that leads a man from pitch darkness towards sparkling and dazzling brightness. Education is the only thing that provides knowledge to do various activities in order to live a quality of life. Educated people can tackle different types of difficulties very easily as per the situation. Educated people can take control of the situation and live a happy and prosperous life. Educated people can find the difficulties that have arrived in ones life and go for the concrete solution. 

c) For quality of life family size must be small.
Ans: In a small family different aspects of life can be dealt with ease. Various elements required to live a quality of life in a small family can be fulfilled easily than the large family. In a small family the problems of any individuals can be a topic of a great concern and that problem might get a concrete solution and live a happy life later on. But in case of large family the problems of an individual will not be a topic of great concern and the family member will suffer a lot. Every individual in a small family will get a lot of care, attention and love. Therefore for quality of life family size must be small.

d) Quality of life includes all essential services and facilities for the happiness and satisfaction of human being.
Ans: The degree of satisfaction and happiness of an individual by the fulfillment of basic as well as additional needs is called quality of life. In a quality of life every sorts of demands of an individual needs to be fulfilled. If a person recieves different types of physical facilities but not a secure life then that is not the quality of life. So a quality of life includes all essential services and facilities fot the happiness and satisfaction of human being. 

e) If woman are empowered in the family, quality of life will be improved.
Ans: Woman and man are two sides of a same coin. When the woman of the family is empowered then the family will have a happy life because the woman can look to differents aspects of the family. An empowered woman can do very good job and assist the family in the financial matters. When the woman in the family is educated and empowered then the woman can take care of the child in a different way so that the children in the family will get good nourishment and assistance in education. Therefore if the women in the family is empowered then the quality of life will be improved. 

3. Write short notes on:
a) Basic needs : The things that are very essential for the survival of an individual is called basic needs. Food is the most essential thing required in ones life. Without food man cannot survive for a single week. Food provides energy to do work and other activities. Similarly clothes is another essential thing required for people to protect themselves from external things. It is also the basic need of people. Also the thing that is of prime necessicity to all the living beings is shelter. A good shelter protects the man from heat, rain and other kinds of external things. Such basic needs should be fulfilled in order to live a simple life. Without the basic needs life is not possible.
b) Quality of life and saving : The degree of happiness or satisfaction in ones life which is received by the fulfillment of basic as well as additionsl needs is called quality of life. For a quality of life saving is very very important. Many difficulties might arise in ones life. In such difficulties the most important thing is money. Money is the most important thing in today's world because without money very small thing is also impossible. So saving should be done in order to make the future better in any sorts of difficulties.
c) Family size : Family size is also an important element of quality of life. It directly affects the other elements of quality of life. If the family size is large then more amount of money should be spent even to fulfill the basic needs of life. In such cindition, it becomes difficult to get employment opportunity, provision of security, transport, communication, recreation, human rights, freedom, etc. As a result quality of life in a large family size cannot be easily maintained. The needs of the members of small family can easily be fulfilled. They will get an opportunity of quality food, clothes, housing, etc according to the seasons, quality education, health, employment and recreation. Therefore, to rear children well to provide opportunity of good and quality education, to keep them healthy and strong, and to manage the family expenditure, the family size should be smaller. In small sized family, parents can easily undertake their responsibilities towards their children. In this way, small family size helps to improve the quality of life.
d) Role of education in quality of life : Education is the light of knowledge. It raise awareness. A person can improve his/her family members' quality of life through the proper knowledge, attitude and skills attained by education. Therefore, education is regarded as an important element of quality of life. Educated people do not have any problems in getting job and earning money. The educated family members are capable to achieve or fulfill their basic and extra needs easily. Likewise, education enables people to use modern services and facilities in a easier way, helping them to improve the quality of life.
e) Low quality of life and high maternal child death rate: Low quality of life is resulted whenever there is no any sorts of happiness and satisfaction in the life. Low quality of life is also resulted when there is no fulfillment of basic as well as additional needs. High maternal and child death rate has also resulted the low quality of life. When the mother and child lose their life because of lack of provision of good health facilities and services then also the low quality of life is resulted. Therefore the child death rate and maternal death rate must be reduced in order have a good quality of life.

  1. Describe the ecosystem of Terai in brief.
Ans: The ecosystem of Terai region is different from that of other regions. The altitude of this region gradually decreases moving from north to south. Various aspects of the ecosystem of terai region are described below:
  • Physical aspects
There are altogether twenty districts in terai region of Nepal. They are Jhapa, Morang, Nawalparasi, Bara, Parsa, Chitwan, Banke, Bardiya, etc. Terai region of Nepal covers 23% of the total land area of Nepal. Terai region has the variation of altitude from 60 metres to 610 metres. Terai region consists of twenty districts. Terai region of Nepal is divided into three sub-divisions. They are inner terai, main terai and bhabar terai. Terai region is the most fertile among all the regions of the country. Terai region is also called the granary of Nepal.
  • Biological aspect
The biological aspect of this region is also different from that of the mountain and the hilly region because of the varation of the land topology and altitude. Different kinds of birds found in Terai region are eagle, vulture, hawk, crane, stroke, hornbill, peacock, etc. Similarly trees like sal, sissau, khayar, pipal, bamboo, katus, chilaune, etc. are mainly found in this region. Animals like leopard, tiger, elephant, rhinoceros, panther, crocodile, deer, bear, etc are found. Medicinal herbs like amala, harro, barro, mushroom, etc are also found in this region. This region is also called the store house of the food grain.
  • Socio-economic aspect
The types of food crops found in this region are rice, wheat, maize, etc in this region. The houses in the urban areas are multi storey buildings where as in the rural areas are small and made up of bamboo wood and stone along with mud. People of caste like Satar, Dhimal, Rajbansi, Tharu, Yadav, Mandal, etc live in this region. The main economic activities of the people of this region is agriculture but people are also engaged in service and trade along with business. People in this region mostly follow Hinduism as their religion however few number of muslims are also found. The main festivals that the people of this region observe are Dashain, Deepawali, Holi, Janai purnima, Id, Chhath, etc.
  1. There is difference between the ecosystem of a Mountain and Hill region. Prepare a comparative note.
Ans: There is difference between the ecosystem of a Mountain and Hill region. A brief of report is prepared on the difference.
Mountain Region
Hilly Region

Physical aspects
35% of land of the country
42% of land of the country
Altitude from 4877 metres to 8848 metres
Altitude from 610 metres to 4877 metres
Sub divisions are inner himalaya, main himalaya and marginal Himalaya
Sub divisions are churiya range, mid hill and mahabharat range

Biological aspects
Trees like pine, fir, deodar, bhojpatra, talispatra, rhododendren, gobre salla, thingre salla, etc are found.
Trees like sal, chilaune, bamboo, katus, kharsu, peepal, rani salla, etc are found.
Animals like himalayan thar, himalayan ghoral, serow, langur, musk deer, red panda, snow leopard, etc are found.
Animals like tiger, clouded leopard, deer, jackal, wolf, bear, fox, monkey, langur, etc are found.
Plants and medicinal herbs like yarsagumba, panchaunle, uwa, barley, buckwheat, etc are found.
Plants and medicinal herbs like mushroom, kurilo, koiralo, asuro, harro, barro, sarpagandha, zibre saag, etc are found.

Socio-economic aspects
The caste living in this region are mugals, thakalis, bhotiyas, gurung, etc.
The caste living in this region are bhramin, chhetri, kami, damai, rais, limbus, magars, etc.
The people of this region follow hinduism and buddhism as their main religion.
The people of this region follow hinduism as their main religion.
The houses of this region are made up of wood and stone and the houses have very small windows.
The houses of this region are multi storey in the urban areas and are made up of concrete and cement. In the villages are made up of wood, mud and stone.
The main festivals observed in this region are Lhosar, Dashain, Tihar, Buddhajayanti, Maghe Sakranti, etc.
The main festivals observed in this region are Dashain, Tihar, Christmas, Id, Lhosar, Buddhaajayanti,etc. Various jatras are also celebrated.
The main economic activities of this region are trade, agriculture and animal husbandary.
The main economic activities of this region are agriculture, business and service.

  1. How do the development and modernization activities affect the ecological system of the hill region? Explain how they can be minimized.
Ans: The developmental activities and the modernization activities affect the ecological system of the hilly region. Hilly region has got its ecosystem degrading day by day by the impact of modernization and urbanization. But the ecology of the hilly region must be preserved and the effect of modernization and urbanization for its degradation must be controlled. The ways to minimize the effect on hilly ecosystem are as under:
  • Afforestation programmes should be initiated so that there won't be pollution in land and the air.
  • The development activities should be carried with the local people so that the proper and systematic exploitation of the natural resources will be guaranteed.
  • The effect in the ecosystem of the hilly region can also be minimized by making proper law and the ethics while carrying out the developmental activities.
  • The development activities should be done carefully and planned urbanization should also be done so that the effect in the ecosystem will be minimized.
  • People of this region are dependent in animal husbandary. The natural environment has been declined due to the collection of firewood, grass, and herbs from the forest. Such activities cause the degeneration of forest including the environment. Thus, people should be made aware so that natural environment could be conserved.

  1. Write in brief:
  1. Socio economic aspect of Mountain region
Mountain region lies in the northenmost part of the country. The people living here in the mountain region are specially Bhotiyas, Gurungs, Ghales, Mugals, Thakalis, Dolpo,etc. The people of this region live in the house made up of wood, mud and stone with thatched roof. The houses have small doors and windows in order to prevent the escape of heat in the frigid region. The main religion of the people of this region is Buddhism however some people are Hindu. The main festivals of the people are Lhosar, Buddha Jayanti, Udhauli Parba, Ubhauli Parba, Dashain, Tihar, Maghe Sakranti, etc. The main crops of the mountain region is millet, maize, potato, barley, wheat, buckwheat, etc.the main economic activities of the people of this region is animal husbandary. People are also engaged in trade and business along with the collection of the medicinal herb. People also has depended their livelihood in agriculture. They put on very thick clothes in order to prevent themselves from irresistible heat.
  1. Physical aspect of Terai region
Terai region lies in the southernmost part of the country which covers total area of 23% of the total land of the country. Terai region is divided into three sub divisions. The sub divisions of the terai region of Nepal are Inner Terai, Main Terai and Bhabar Terai. Terai region comprises altogether of 20 districts of Nepal. Some of the districts of Terai Region are as Jhapa, Morang, Sarlahi, Sunsari, Siraha, Saptari, Dhanusha, Mahottari, Parsa, Bara, Rautahat, Chitwan, Bardiya, Banke,etc. Terai region is the factory of food for the whole nation so it is called the granary of Nepal. Terai region has the variation of altitude from 60 metres to 610 metres.
  1. Compare:
  1. Ecosystem of Hill and Terai region
Hilly Region
Terai Region

Physical Aspects
42% of land of the country
23% of land of the country
Altitude from 610 metres to 4877 metres
Altitude ranges from 60 metres to 610 metres
Sub divisions are churiya range,mid hill and mahabharat range
Sub divisions are inner terai, main terai and bhabar terai

Biological Aspects
Trees like sal, chilaune, bamboo, katus, kharsu, peepal, rani salla, etc are found.
Trees like sal, simal, sissau, oak, khayer, bamboo, katus, chilaune, etc are found.
Animals like tiger, clouded leopard, deer, jackal, wolf, bear, fox, monkey, langur, etc are found.
Animals like tiger, leopard, asiatic rock python, one horned rhinoceros, wild buffalo, elephant, etc are found.
Plants and medicinal herbs like mushroom, kurilo, koiralo, asuro, harro, barro, sarpagandha, zibre saag, etc are found.
Plants and medicinal herbs like amala, harro, barro, bel, bayer, sarpagandha, wheat, maize, rice, etc are found.

Socio-economic Aspects
The caste living in this region are bhramin, chhetri, kami, damai, rais, limbus, magars, etc.
The main caste living in this region are Dhimal, Rajbansi, Satar, Rajput, Yadav, Mandal, Tharu,etc.
The people of this region follow hinduism as their main religion.
The people of this region follow hinduism as the main religion however muslims are also found.
The houses of this region are multi storey in the urban areas and are made up of concrete and cement. In the villages are made up of wood, mud and stone.
The houses in the urban areas are multi storeyed building where as in the rural areas is of wood, mud, stone and bamboo.

The main festivals observed in this region are Dashain, Tihar, Christmas, Id, Lhosar, Buddhaajayanti,etc. Various jatras are also celebrated.
The main festivals observed in this region are Chhath, Holi, Dashain, Tihar, Id, Bakrid, etc.

The main economic activities of this region are agriculture, business and service.
The main economic activities of the people are agriculture, service and trade.

  1. Biodiversity of Mountain and Hill region
The biodiversity of the mountain and hill region is given as under:
Mountain Region
Hilly Region
Trees like pine, fir, deodar, bhojpatra, talispatra, rhododendren, gobre salla, thingre salla, etc are found.
Trees like sal, chilaune, bamboo, katus, kharsu, peepal, rani salla, etc are found.
Animals like himalayan thar, himalayan ghoral, serow, langur, musk deer, red panda, snow leapard, etc are found.
Animals like tiger, clouded leopard, deer, jackal, wolf, bear, fox, monkey, langur, etc are found.
Plants and medicinal herbs like yarsagumba, panchaunle, uwa, barley, buckwheat, etc are found.
Plants and medicinal herbs like mushroom, kurilo, koiralo, asuro, harro, barro, sarpagandha, zibre saag, etc are found.

  1. Write answer in one sentence to the following questions:
  1. What is the main reason of the difference in ecosystem in the geographical regions?
Ans: The main reason of the difference in ecosystem in the geographical regions are the variation of the altitude and the landform in different regions.
  1. What activity will help to conserve the land?
Ans: The activity that will help to conserve land is afforestation and prevention of pasture of land from over grazing.
  1. Mention any two activities of environmental protection and promotion and explain them in brief.
Ans: Any two activities of environmental protection and promotion are as under:
  • Afforestation
Afforestation is one of the major efforts that can be put into for the protection and the promotion of the environment. Due to deforestation air is getting more and more polluted day by day. Because of the high production of smoke and dust from the vehicles and factories there has been pollution in the earth. By organizing the afforestation programme we can make a remarkable progress in the environment. The earth would be free from pollution and the earth will be clean, green and healthy. Therefore afforestation programme should be initiated.
  • Terrace farming
Due to the heavy rainfall in the rainy season the problems of flood and landslide has taken place. So terrace farming can be great solution. People should make terraces in the places with the sloppy land and plant-trees along with crops. In my opinion terrace farming will also help to protect and promote the environmental aspects.
  1. Mention any one activity related to environmental protection which has been conducted in your locality and explain on the assist of the following points.
  1. Name of the conservation work
The name of the conservation work is â€Å“Bagmati Cleaning Programme”
  1. Introduction
Bagmati is the river which flows through the capital of the city. This river used to be the source of drinking water few decades ago but tat present the river is polluted in such a way that the people cannot go near it without putting the mask on. This river is also the holy river of the Hindus and people following Hinduism as their religion used to take holy bath but no people cannot even dip their finger into it. So the environment protection work carried out in the locality is Bagmati Cleaning Programme.
  1. Importance
This cleaning programme is important because of the following reasons:
  • From health point of view the polluted river has cause a lots of problems. And by cleaning the river the people will remain very healthy and fit.
  • Since the river flows across the capital of the country from the tourism point of view also it is very important to make the river look beautiful and clean. Many hindu pilgrimages will also come to Kathmandu to take the holy bath in clean river.
  • There is scarcity of drinking water inside the Kathmandu valley. If Bagmati river remains clean then the water of the river can be utilized for various purposes.
  1. Advantage
The advantages of the following conservation work are as follows:
  • The scarcity of water problem will be solved if we receive water from Bagmati river.
  • The people won't be the victim of various water borne diseases.
  • Country will be able to receive more tourists if the capital of the city has a river with very clean and fresh water.
  1. Justify the following statements with reasons:
  1. Physical aspect differs by geographical region.
Physical aspects of the environment are altered with the alteration of the geographical region. The physical aspect of mountain region is peculiar from that of hilly and terai region. This is because of the landform and the structure of the topology. The altitude of the terai region is from 60 metres to 610 metres where as the altitude of hilly region is from 610 metres to 4877 metres. Similarly the altitude of the mountain region is from 4877 metres to 8848 metres. So the physical aspect of the place differ with the geographical region.
  1. Terai ecosystem is being affected by population pressure.
Terai region is the most populated region among the geographical regions of Nepal. The ecosystem of the terai region is highly affected by the population pressure. This region is densely populated region so the population pressure is getting higher and higher. The people from the other regions also migrate towards the terai region in search of good and cultivable land, job opportunity, quality education and security. The plain land of terai region is highly inhabited by the people. Because of the lack of proper exploitation of the natural resources the ecosystem is getting degraded day by day. Therefore the population of terai region must be checked carefully and systematic urbanization must be done with proper plans and policies in order to have the terai ecosystem in good form.
  1. Write down any four elements to establish the relations between natural environment and human beings.
Any four elements to establish a good relationship between the natural environment and human beings are as follows:
  • Forest conservation
The conservation of the forest is very important to have a balance in the natural environment. The conservation of the forest plays an important role so it must be preserved by the effort of the human beings. Community forests must be conserved with the help of the students. These programs help to increase the awareness level in students and also in protecting the forest.
  • Soil conservation
Soil is also very important element of the environment which is very necessary for the mankind. Without soil on earth the life of the human beings on earth is almost impossible. So soil must be preserved by the people by various ways. Use of harmful pesticides and chemical fertilizers for high yielding of crops may give short term benefit but it detroits the quality of soil in a long run. Therefore the conservation of soil must be initiated.
  • Waste management
A lot of waste products are produced in our daily use.
  • Pollution control
  1. Write a letter to your foreign friend, who wants to visit Nepal, describing the environmental status of Nepal in brief.
12th June 2014
Dear Wilshere,
I received your letter yesterday and I am very glad to hear from you. I know you are in the starting day of world cup football enjoying in Brazil. I am very happy to know that you are the live witness of the most wanted event of the world. Your strong desire to visit the country of Himalayas, Nepal. You are heartily welcome to our country Nepal. Here, I am describing you about the environmental status of Nepal.
Nepal is geographically divided into three regions. I prefer to call this country the most diversified country of the world. It is the perfect gift of God to create this beautiful piece of land. Diversity is found in its geographic structure. Due to the the geographical diversity, diversity is found. Diversity is found in various aspects like physical feature, climate, temperature, vegetation, birds and animals. You will see the lofty mountains and other beautiful sites so hope you will come to visit our country soon.
Your loving friend Jayakant Shikre

  1. What is biodiversity? Describe with example.
Ans: There are millions of creatures like vegetation, animals, and microorganisms including human beings on the earth. They have variation among themselves. Their diversity or variation on the ecosystems denotes biodiversity. Biodiversity is specially classified into three levels. They are species, ecosystem and genetic diversity.
  • Species Diversity
There are various species of animals and vegetations including human, elephant, birds, maize, wheat, pulse, potato, etc. They are categorized under species diversity. The species of micro organisms like virus and bacteria also come under it.
  • Ecosystem Diversity
Ecosystem is the inter relationship between living organisms and the environment. Living organisms survive according to their capacity and capability. There is also biodiversity due to the structure of ecosystem.
  • Genetic Diversity
Each creature has own genetic qualities, the people in the mountain have the genetic quality of bearing cold while the people in terai have the genetic quality of bearing hot. In this way the genetic diversity among other creatures also exist in the environment.
  1. Write and describe any five points which clarify the importance of biodiversity.
Ans: Biodiversity is very important. Development of human on earth and biodiversity are strongly inter related to each other. Biodiversity is important because it has helped to fulfill the demand of shelter, lifestyle, social activity, economic aspect, etc in the human life. Biodiversity is taken as the source of various materials used in our daily life.
The importances of biodiversity are as under:
  • Agricultural products
  • Animal products
  • Vegetative products
  • Improvement of breeds
  • Soil conservation
  • Water conservation
  • Natural beauty
  • Development of tourism
  • Economic development
  • Environmental balance
  • Function of natural ecosystem
  • Study and research
The description about the importance of biodiversity is as under:
  • Agricultural products
Agricultural products give the daily food to survive for the human beings. Various products like paddy, maize, wheat, vegetable, fruits, etc are the basic food of people needed to be taken in order to live a healthy life. The source of all those products is agricultural biodiversity. These plants were in the wild state at the beginning but the human beings started cultivating them. In this way agricultural biodiversity is very important.
  • Animal products
Animal products are also very necessary for the survival of human beings. The animal products like milk, curd, ghee, meat, fish, etc are very important sources of protein for the nourishment of the body. Raw materials required for the medicinal treatment is also obtained from the animals. Income generation can also be done from the animal products.
  • Vegetative products
Human beings obtain fruits and wild roots from plants. Plants are the sources of furniture, industries, herbs, clothes, medicines, paints and papers. Biodiversity has made us able to obtain many kinds of useful materials from various kinds of plants.
  • Improvement of breeds
There are various species in the biodiversity which has become very important for the human beings. These species of the nature which exist in the biodiversity are scientifically tested and cross breeding are done in order to produce highly improved breeds. The cross is done on the basis of local species, disease resisting capacities, etc. Therefore biodiversity is very important.
  • Soil conservation
Soil is the integral part of biodiversity. Without soil life wouldn't be possible on earth. It is directly the habitat for thousands of life living under soil and it is the most suitable platform for the growth of crops. The biodiversity has also resulted the conservation of soil in the nature. Due to the capturing of the soil by big as well as small plants the soil is prevented from erosion. The decayed and dead plants and animals after going under decomposition be bacteria serves as the nutritional element for soil. In this way the fertility of soil increases. In this way biodiversity is important for soil conservation.

  1. Briefly describe about the need of biodiversity conservation.
Ans: Biodiversity is very important for the welfare of the mankind. The conservation of biodiversity refer to the conservation of whole creature on earth. It is the conservation of habitat required for them and is also the conservation of genetic characters, conservation of animals requires the conservation of habitat and ecosystem. Conservation work develops both of their numbers and characters. Therefore the conservation of biodiversity is essential. The need of biodiversity conservation are as follows:
  • Preserving the existence of living beings
There are lots of living creatures on earth. The animals found in one region is different form that found in another region. Biodiversity should be preserved to maintain the existence and the genetic improvement of them. The conservation of biodiversity should be done in order to ensure the existence of human beings in the next generations.
  • Long-term conservation of resources
Biodiversity is the source of agricultural, animal, herbal products, etc. From it people are receiving essential goods for their survival. In absence of biodiversity people have to face great difficulties in their survival. Therefore it is necessary to preserve the sources of various materials which are required for human in long term manner.
  • Promotion of natural scenery
To gain economic advantage and in order to march towards development promotion of natural scenery is mandatory. Therefore the promotion of natural scenery must be done.
  • Balance of natural process
The species and creatures found in biodiversity till now have helped in the balance of the natural process. Due to the conservation of biodiversity the balance in the nature will be maintained easily. Therefore biodiversity must be conserved.
  • Economic and social development
The conservation of biodiversity will provide a very good platform in order to provide a visiting site for tourists. Economic development therefore will be enhanced and that will lead to the improvement of the social status of the people.
  • Field of study and research
Biodiversity is a very broad topic to study and research about. The conservation of biodiversity provides people a strong platform to work and research about different aspects of biodiversity. Therefore the biodiversity must be preserved.
  1. Write in short about biodiversity of any ecological zone.
Ans: The hilly region of our country Nepal covers highest percentage of total land area of the country. There is more diversity found in hilly region in comparison to other regions of the country. There are dense forests in some places and sparse forests in some other places. There are forests of uttis, chestnut and chilaune in this region. There are various kinds of trees like saal, simal, pipal, banyan, bamboo, chilaune, chestnut, etc because of the face of hills, altitude and landscape in this region. In the high places of this region there are kharsu, gurans, devdaru, etc. Similarly, plants of various flowers are also found in this region.
In the upper part of this region maize, barley, buckwheat, etc are cultivated. In the lower parts of the hilly region paddy, maize, pulse, vegetables, etc are grown. Mango, orange, peach, pulm, etc are also grown in this region.
Similarly there are various kinds of animals due to the diversity in the geographical structure and vegetation in this region. There are animals like bear. Leopard, deer, monkey, wild cat, spotted deer, red deer, etc in this region. These region is also rich in the birds like hawk, pheasant, parrot, dove and other birds.
  1. Write the adverse effects on environment and measures to mitigate them.
Ans: There are different measures to mitigate the adverse effects on biodiversity according to the ecological regions and places. They should be mitigated by different measures.
  • Degradation on ecosystem
There hs been several effects in the ecosystem because of which the degradation in the ecosystem is there. Water ecosystem degrades while mixing garbage in the source of water. These harm both aquatic as well the terrestrial animals. Therefore the activities like protecting the elements of the ecosystem must be done in order to protect the environment and the biodiversity relying on it.
  • Loss of habitat
Due to the adverse affect in the environment various reasons like forest fire, landslide and other regions the habitat of the organisms living on earth is losing their habitat. Therefore the conservation of habitat must be done. For this plants should be planted in bare land and the stream and the water areas must not be filled up.
  • Loss of mobility
The loss of natural environment causes the decrement in the mobility of the animals. The animals are compelled in order to survive in a very small and limited piece of land. Human beings should not degrade the environment for the conservation of animals. People should make useful habitat for the animal by using dry and unused land.
  • Limitation on expansion of vegetation
People expand the agricultural land due to the growth in population. Various development construction activities are carrying out to fulfill the requirement of the people. Similarly explanation of habitation and urbanization is also going on. Grazing lands are getting destroyed. Therefore people should help to stop the destruction of forest by planting trees near to their habitation, at the sides of road, bare and empty lands, etc. people should plant more trees in bare land. It supports to increase grazing land and greenery.
  1. Write the names of any three rare vegetations and describe the reasons for being rare.
Ans: Any three rare vegetations are as under.
  • Himalayan Yew
  • Panch aunle
  • Spike nard
These vegetations have very high medicinal, religious as well as cultural value. Due to this people are indiscriminately cutting these plants. These plants are not taken care. People instead of doing systematic exploitation of the natural vegetation are taking the advantage only. They have not put enough efforts to preserve and protect the rare species of vegetations so these vegetations are in the verge of extinction.
  1. Write the names of any four rare animals and describe the reasons for being rare.
Ans: The names of any four rare animals are as under:
  • Clouded leopard
  • Red panda
  • One-horned rhinoceros
  • Bengal tiger
These animals have lost their habitat due to various reasons. Trees in the forests are cut indiscriminately which have caused the loss of their habitat.
Forest fire has also caused the loss of their habitat. People are hunting these illegally for selling important organs of the animals because those animals have very high demand on the black market. Strong rules and regulations are not made therefore the poaching is still continued which has caused to the increment of the rareness of the animals.

  1. Differentiate between the followings:
  1. Biodiversity of mountain and terai
Biodiversity of Mountain
Biodiversity of Terai
Trees like pine, fir, deodar, bhojpatra, talispatra, rhododendren, gobre salla, thingre salla, etc are found.
Trees like sal, simal, sissau, oak, khayer, bamboo, katus, chilaune, etc are found.
Animals like himalayan thar, himalayan ghoral, serow, langur, musk deer, red panda, snow leapard, etc are found.
Animals like tiger, leopard, asiatic rock python, one horned rhinoceros, wild buffalo, elephant, etc are found.
Plants and medicinal herbs like yarsagumba, panchaunle, uwa, barley, buckwheat, etc are found.
Plants and medicinal herbs like amala, harro, barro, bel, bayer, sarpagandha, wheat, maize, rice, etc are found.

  1. Commercialization and conservation of biodiversity
Commercialization of Biodiversity
Conservation of Biodiversity
Biodiversity is very important and because of biodiversity the income of people will raise. Commercialization of biodiversity leads the country economy to a great height. Therefore commercialization of biodiversity is very useful for the raise of economy.
The use of biodiversity along with its maximum use is called the conservation of biodiversity. Conservation of biodiversity is important in order to ensure the existence of human in the earth forever. Conservation of biodiversity is important.

  1. Show the relationship and describe the following:
  1. Vegetations and animals
Ans: The plants of different species found in earth are termed as vegetations. There are several kinds of vegetations found in the earth. Vegetations are living thing which can grow and reproduce but cannot move. Animals are the mobile living things found in earth. The presence of one without another in case of vegetations and animals does not carry much value. Vegetations are the producers of food and animals utilize these foods in order to live and grow. Similarly, animals after they die, they will be decomposed by the micro organisms which will serve as nutrients for the animals. Therefore there is very close relationship between the vegetations and animals.
  1. Human activity and biodiversity conservation
Ans: Human activity is the most important for the conservation of biodiversity. Human beings are the wisest among the living things found on earth. Biodiversity is getting degrading due to the unwise activities of humans. Human should be very conscious about the conservation of biodiversity. If biodiversity will be exploited systematically with maximum use and less harm for the nature then it will be the best way for the conservation of biodiversity.
  1. In- situ and Ex- situ conservation
Ans: The conservation of the living beings and animals by creating a man made habitat is called in-situ conservation of the rare animals and plants. The conservation of the natural resources in their own natural habitat is called the ex-situ conservation of rare plants and animals.
  1. Write short notes on:
  1. Biodiversity
There are millions of creatures like vegetation, animals and microorganisms including human beings on earth. They have diversity among themselves. Their diversity or variation on the ecosystems denotes biodiversity. In a broader sense biodiversity is the total number of living resources and their differences within themselves. Biodiversity is specially classified into three levels. They are species, ecosystem and genetic diversity.
  1. Diversity of ecosystem
There are different kinds of land and water ecosystems in the world according to the ecological regions. There are different kinds of ecosystem in Nepal according to ecological structure. Since there is diversity in the landform and the topography while ranging from the plain terai to sky rocketing mountains. The highest peak of the world Mt. Everest lies in the mountain region. There are different structures of land in various region of the country like plain, plateau, hill, etc in various parts of the country. Similarly, lakes and rivers are also found in different places. In such way we can learn about the diversity of ecosystem.
  1. Species diversity
The variation in the landform of the country has created a lot of species according to the situation and the climate of the place. The diversity in species is found and felt due to the ecosystem diversity. Our country Nepal is very rich in species diversity. There are various species of animals and vegetations including human, elephant, birds, maize, wheat, pulse, potato, etc. They are categorized under species diversity. The species of micro organisms like virus and bacteria also come under it.
  1. Role of community in biodiversity conservation
Community is closest to biodiversity. The utilization of the elements of biodiversity is done by the people residing in the community. Due to the people of the community the biodiversity is also getting degraded day by day. Biodiversity conservation has become the most important issue in today's world. We need to be very careful about the conservation of the biodiversity. Conservation of biodiversity does not only mean to preserve them without touching them. Rather the conservation of biodiversity means the proper exploitation and systematic utilization without making severe harm to the biodiversity. Community should make plans and policies and look after the conservation of biodiversity because initiation of community for its conservation can be very important.
  1. Justify the following statements with reasons:
  1. Biodiversity differs according to ecological regions.
Biodiversity means the total number of living creature found in earth and the differences between them. Biodiversity is very important because the life of humans and other living things is possible only due to the presence of biodiversity. There diversity in the ecology of the places which is also termed as ecosystem biodiversity. And due the variation in the ecological regions, diversity arises in the genes and the species of that place. Biodiversity in species is the result of the diversity in the ecological regions. The plants found in himalayan region are rather cone shaped where as in the hills and terai big trees are found. Similarly in the desert areas the plant bear thorn leaves. In this way we can say that biodiversity differs according to ecological regions.
  1. Biodiversity is important natural resource.
Biodiversity is very important for the survival of living creature in the earth. Biodiversity should be taken as very important natural resource. Biodiversity should be taken very importantly because the biodiversity is the part of the nature. Biodiversity has played important role in serving the need of the natural resources. Therefore biodiversity is very important natural resource.
  1. Destruction of habitat degrades the situation of biodiversity.
Biodiversity means the total number of living creature found in earth and the differences between them. Destruction of habitat definitely causes the degradation in the situation of biodiversity. Biodiversity consists of different species of plants and animals. Biodiversity should be taken into due care so for the preservation and conservation of biodiversity we also noted to be very much aware about the habitat of the biodiversity. When the element of biodiversity does not receive enough place than it is for sure that the degradation of biodiversity takes place.
  1. Attempts from local level should be made for biodiversity conservation.
The local level must be very positive about the conservation of biodiversity. Community is the local level for the conservation of biodiversity. Community is closest to biodiversity. The utilization of the elements of biodiversity is done by the people residing in the community. Due to the people of the community the biodiversity is also getting degraded day by day. Biodiversity conservation has become the most important issue in today's world. We need to be very careful about the conservation of the biodiversity. Conservation of biodiversity does not only mean to preserve them without touching them. Rather the conservation of biodiversity means the proper exploitation and systematic utilization without making severe harm to the biodiversity. Community should make plans and policies and look after the conservation of biodiversity because initiation of community for its conservation can be very important. If the attempts from local level will be made then the condition of biodiversity will improve.

1. What is a communicable disease? List any five communicable diseases.
It is an illness caused by a specific agent through transmission from its reservoir to susceptible host.
List of any five communicable diseases are;
2. Hepatitis-B
3. TV
4. Diarrhea
5. Cholera

2. List the mode of transmission of communicable diseases.
Modes of transmission of communicable diseases are;
1. Contact transmission
2. Food and drinks
3. Air-borne infection
4. Insect born infection
5. Transplancental transmission
6. Skin infection
7. Transmission of contaminated blood
8. Transplantation of infected organs

3. What are the sign and symptoms of diarrhea and cholera?
The sign and symptoms of diarrhea;
1. Frequent passage of loose, watery stool
2. Unconscious movement
3. Weakness
4. Feeling of constant thirst
5. Nausea and vomiting
6. Gradual decrease in body temperature, etc.
The sign and symptoms of Cholera;
1. There is sudden onset of server diarrhea and vomiting
2. The stools passed continuously with little effort
3. Weakness, patient becomes restless and complains of intense thirst
4. Urine is suppressed and blood pressure falls and pulse becomes weak.
5. At the third stage patient either recover or dies
6. Gradual change in body temperature, etc.

4. Mention the preventives measure against the Bacillary dysentery and common cold.
The preventives measure against the Bacillary dysentery
 1. Personal cleanliness is important.
2. Stool and contaminated fomites need disinfection.
3. Provision of clean water and milk supplies is essential.
4. Control of food handlers.
5. Health education of the people.
The preventives measure against the common cold
1. Education in personal hygiene.
2. Use personal handkerchief
3. Vitamin c consumption
4. Do not contact with infected person.
5. Protect yourself from cold.
6. Adequate sleep, etc.

5. What is balanced diet list the elements of food.
A balance diet means getting the right types and amount of food to supply nutrition and energy for maintaining body cells, tissues, and organs, and  for supporting normal growth and development of body.
Elements of food are;
1. Protein
2. Minerals and salt
3. Carbohydrates
4. Fat
5. Vitamins
6. Water

6. List the basic symptoms of hepatitis-B
The symptoms of Hepatitis B:
1. Absence of loss of appetite.
2. Malaise or feeling of uneasiness or discomfort.
3. Abdominal and gastric discomfort.
4. Headache, fever and jaundice.
5. Pain over the liver.
6. Clay- colored stool and dark urine.
7. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

7. List the mode of transmission and preventive measures of hepatitis-C.
List the mode of transmission and preventive measures of hepatitis-C are;
Mode of transmission;
1. Blood and blood product transfusion
2. Tattooing with contaminated needles
3. Sharing of syringes
4. Unsafe sexual exposure
5. Transplantation of infected organ
Preventative measure;
1. Care should be given to personal hygiene
2. Avoid unsanitary tattoos
3. Avoid unsafe sex
4. Avoid sharing personal items, goods

8.  List the causes and symptoms of cancer.
List the causes and symptoms of cancer are;
1. X-Ray, UV ray, Radium, etc.
2. Tobacco products, alcohol, non-edible color.
3. Viral infection
4. Some bacteria like, Helicobacter pylori causes stomach cancer
1. Change in wart or mole
2. Persistent cough and change in voice
3. Blood loss from any natural orifice
4. Change in digestive and bowel habit
5. Any sore that does not get better.

9. What are the basic cause of heart attack and stroke?
The causes of heart attack:
1. Intake of unhealthy diet which includes very limited of food, high in fat, high in cholesterol and low in fiber.
2. Diet without fruits and vegetables and high in sodium.
3. Intoxication of tobacco, tobacco products and alcohol.
4. Less physical exercise.
5. Obesity
The causes of stroke:
1. Paralysis laterally
2. Weakness or paralysis in limbs
3. Lack of body balance
4. Headache
5. Loss of sight
6. Fainting, etc.

10. What measure can be adopted for the prevention and control of high blood pressure?
Following measure can be adopted for the prevention and control of high blood pressure;
1. Regular exercise, including walking, jogging, yoga, game, etc.
2. Quit smoking and alcohol
3. Reduce intake of sweet and salty diet
4. Maintain a healthy weight
5. Reduce mental tension
6. Keep life style healthy

11. List out the measure function of food,
List of the measure function of food,
1. It provide heat and energy to the body
2. It builds new tissues and repairs old ones
3. It helps the body to grow
4. It helps to regulate the activities of different system
5. It helps to keep body healthy
6. It helps to develop resistance against the diseases.

12. What is protein? Name the disease caused by deficiency of its.
Protein is also known as body building food because the wear and tear of the tissue is repaired by protein which is necessary for the growth and development of children. They are essential to life because vital parts of the nucleus and protoplasm of every cell are protein.
Diseases caused by deficiency of protein areas,
1. Malnutrition
2. Kwashiorkor
3. Marasmus

13. List the function and sources of carbohydrates.
Functions of carbohydrates are;
1. It supplies energy for all the cells in the body.
2. It keeps the body worm.
3. It is essential to remove poisonous substances from liver.
4. Carbohydrate prevents protein from being used as energy
5. It is essential for absorption of calcium
Rice, Wheat, maize, barley, potato, yam, sugarcane, fruits, etc.

14. What are the types of vitamins?
The types of vitamins are classified in to two groups on the basis of their solubility;
1. Fat soluble;
A, D, E, and K.
2. Water soluble;
Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C.

15. How is food contaminated?
The food contaminated by following reason;
1. Careless handling, not keeping cover over cooked food.
2. Not washing hand with soup after using toilet accessories
3. Lack of education about personal hygiene
4. Food supplies from contamination by the human excreta and flies.
5. Uncooked food and unwashed vegetables
6. Keeping cooked food for long time.

16. What will happen to nutrients when the food is fried?
Deep fried food loses their nutritive values, little oil or ghee should be used for frying. Food should not be over fried. Food should be cooked in pots with cover. Preferably therefore, a pressure cooker should be used to cook food to retain the nutritive value of the food.

17. What is a vitamin?
Vitamins are defined as organic compounds which are essential to our daily life in order to maintain life, normal growth and optimum health development. The types of vitamins are classified in to two groups on the basis of their solubility;
1. Fat soluble;
A, D, E, and K.
2. Water soluble;
Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C.

18. What is malnutrition? List the causes of malnutrition.
The conditions of under-nourishment and over-nourishment are known as malnutrition.
The causes of malnutrition are as follows;
1. If the food constituent are not present in such a proportion as to meet the requirements of the body.
2. Poverty
3. Lack of knowledge
4. Digestive disorders and stomach condition
5. Alcoholism
6. Lack of breast feeding

19. List the basis symptoms of malnutrition,
Basic symptoms of malnutrition areas;
1. Absence of body fat
2. Hair becomes dry and fallen out easily
3. Depression
4. Tiredness, fatigue or apathy
5. Physical ailments and disorder
6. Mental retardation
7. Baby keeps on crying
8. Pale face, etc.

20. List the symptoms of anemia and night blindness.
The symptoms of anemia and night blindness areas;
Night blindness
1. In dim light and in the evening they cannot seen the object well
2. In children, the cannot move here and there in the evening
3. They cannot see very well in the bright sun
4. The eyes seems dry and rough
1. Feeling of dizziness and tiredness
2. Paler complexion
3. Shortness of breath
4. Dry nails
5. Weakness and fatigue

21. Mention the preventive measure against scurvy and goiter.
The preventive measure against scurvy and goiter are as follows;
1. Prvention lies in the use of diet containing vitamin C, such as Fresh leafy vegetable, amchur, guava and amala, citrus fruit etc.
2. Tablet or injection of vitamin c can be administered in case of illness
3. Prompt and proper treatment
1. Ensure adequate supply of iodine
2. Appropriate supply of iodized salt
3. Iodine rich food, such as sea-fish, onion, fresh vegetable, yolk of egg, etc.

22. List the causes and effect of smoking.
The causes and effect of smoking are as follows;
1. Frustration
2. To reduce tension and to get relief from pain,
3. Feeling relaxation,
4. Imitation and pressure of friends
5. Lack of proper guidance
6. Curiosity
1. Smoking irritates the delicate lining of the nose and throat
2. Leads to cough and hardness of the voice
3. Bad breathing
4. There is possibility of heart attack and lung-cancer
5. Women may become sterile due to smoking

23. List the cause and effects of alcohol.
The causes and effect of alcohol are as follows;
1. Frustration
2. To reduce tension and to get relief from pain,
3. Feeling relaxation,
4. Imitation and pressure of friends
5. Lack of proper guidance
6. Curiosity
7. Some people have tradition to drink
1. Decrease thinking capacity
2. Uncontrolled activity
3. Bad breathing
4. Increases the risk of heart failure and stroke
5. Leads to infertility
6. It causes ulcers, cirrhosis, pancreatitis, gastritis and heart disease.

24. List the preventive measures against drinking alcohol.
List of preventive measures against drinking alcohol are;
1. Health education must be extended to make aware of the adverse effects of drinking alcohol.
2. Advertisement of alcohol must be banned
3. Self control
4. Drinking alcohol should be prohibited in public places.
5. Increment in the alcohol taxation.

25. What is a narcotic? List the causes of taking narcotics.
According to the WHO, narcotic drugs are those substances which may bring one or more changes in the functions of organism after their administration.
The causes of taking narcotics
1. A person may experiment because his or her friends suggest it,
2. To satisfy curiosity,
3. For the feeling of relaxation,
4. To escape from difficult or unpleasant situation,
5. In search of more satisfying life.

26. List the effect of narcotic drug abuse.
Effects of narcotic drug are as follows;
1. Memory power become weak
2. There is disharmony between his thinking and activities
3. Change in facial appearance and looking intoxicated all the time
4. Increase in beating of heart and blood pressure
5. Reduction in reproduction
6. Economic problem
7. Speech is slurred

27. What is unhygienic food? How does it affect the health?
Unhygienic food is that food which is adulterated, un-nutritive to eat and contaminated. The food becomes un-unhygienic due to over cooking, cutting food in small pieces etc. When we consume such food regularly, it results in reducing resistance power and causes diseases like kwashiorkor, marasmus etc. Therefore a consumer has to select nutritive food. When the nutritive requirements are not fulfilled by food, it may cause various health hazards, such as:
a. Lack of carbohydrates leads to undue loss of tissue protein and ketosis.
b. Deficiency of essential fatty acids results in perennial irritation, dry skin and itching.
c. Deficiency of protein results in ‘Kwashiorkor’ having various symptoms such as loss of weight, reduced resistance to infection, retarded growth, pealing of skin, retardation of mental and psycho-motor development etc.

B.  Long answer-
1. How are the venereal disease transmitted? Mention the preventative measure against syphilis.
The diseases transmitted from one individual to another through the sexual contact are called venereal disease. The sexual interaction before the marriage is called illegal and is not acceptable behavior for the society. In fact, illegal or multiple partners for sexual interaction may lead to serious health problem and causes various venereal diseases. The diseases like syphilis, Gonorrhea and Aids are some examples of indiscipline and halo hazard sexual behavior. These diseases may be fatal or may create serious health problem. Now, we shall study about some major venereal or sexually transmitted diseases like Syphilis, Gonorrhea and Aids. These diseases may be fatal or may create serious health problem.

The prevention from venereal disease is as follows:
1. Transfusion of infected blood should not be done.
2. Infected needles should not be used.
3. Sexual activity should not be done without knowing about the HIV status of the people with any people.
4. Safer sex habits should be adopted.
5. Condom should be used properly while having sexual contact.
6. Widespread awareness on the safer sexual behaviors should be done.

Prevention measures for syphilis are;
1. Avoid personal belongings of infected person
2. Early diagnosis of the cases
3. Proper education
4. Safer sex habits should be adopted.

2. What are the symptoms and causes of AIDS?
The symptoms of AIDS are;
1. Recurrent upper respiratory tract infection
 2. Frequent appearance of herpes zoster
3. Occasional fever
4. Skin rashes and nail infection
5. General feeling of tiredness
6. Persistent cough for more than one mouth
The causes of AIDS are:
a. The homosexual, bisexual and heterosexual people with multiple partners are prone to this disease.
b. Transfusion of infected blood or blood products.
c. Reusing or sharing of infected needles.
d. During pregnancy or child birth the fetus can be infected by an infected mother.
e. Recipients of semen or body organs from infected person are likely to catch the diseases.

3. What can you do for the prevention of AIDS?
Prevention of AIDS is;
1. be away from prostitution
2. Public awareness about reproductive and sexual health should be increased
3. Use sterilized or disposable syringe
4. Do not involve in the unsafe sexual activity
5. Blood should not be used without screening
6. Proper use of condom
7. Avoid body piercing and tattooing
8. Prompt treatment
9. Never share needle or other equipment

4. How does gonorrhea infect? What are the precautionary measures Taken for this disease?
Gonorrhea is an inflammatory reaction of urethra or euro genital track in females whereas in the male, infection starts in the lower urinary passage. It affects both sexes and all ages. Mode of transmission is usually sexual intercourse. It may be caused by indirectly by infected towels, bed, clothes, etc.
The precautionary measures Taken for this disease are as follows;
1. be away from prostitution
2. Public awareness about reproductive and sexual health should be increased
3. Sexual relation between husband and wife only
4. Education on sexual hygiene
5. The patient clothes and other belongings should be washed properly
6. Early diagnosis and treatment
7. Girls trafficking and prostitution must be discouraged

5. Name the minerals needed for our body? Write about the sources of these minerals.
Name of the minerals needed for our body and about the sources of these minerals are as given below;
1. Calcium
It is needed for healthy bones and teeth, normal blood clotting, and nervous system functioning.
Sources are dairy products, broccoli, cabbage, kale, tofu, sardines and salmon
2. Iron
Needed for the formation of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen from the lungs to the body cells
Sources are meats, eggs, dark green leafy vegetable, legumes, whole grains, fish etc
3. Phosphorous
Needed for healthy bones and teeth, energy metabolism, acid base balance in the body
Sources are milk, grains, lean meats, food additives
4. Magnesium
Needed for healthy bones and teeth, proper nervous system functioning, and energy metabolism
5. Zinc
Needed for cell reproduction, tissue growth and repair
Sources are meat, seafood, and liver, eggs, milk, etc.
6. Copper
Needed for synthesis of hemoglobin, proper iron metabolism, and maintenance of blood vessels

6. Why do we need to protect the nutrients? What are the harms caused by contamination of food?
We need to protect the nutrients because un-nutrients food is that food which is adulterated, unhygienic to eat and contaminated. The food becomes un-nutritive due to over cooking, cutting food in small pieces etc. When we consume such food regularly, it results in reducing resistance power and causes diseases like kwashiorkor, marasmus etc. Therefore a consumer has to select nutritive food. When the nutritive requirements are not fulfilled by food, it may cause various health hazards, such as:
a. Lack of carbohydrates leads to undue loss of tissue protein and ketosis.
b. Deficiency of essential fatty acids results in perennial irritation, dry skin and itching.
c. Deficiency of protein results in ‘Kwashiorkor’ having various symptoms such as loss of weight, reduced resistance to infection, retarded growth, pealing of skin, retardation of mental and psycho-motor development etc.

The negative effects caused by tainted food are:
a. Lack of carbohydrates leads to undue loss of tissue protein and ketosis.
b. Deficiency of essential fatty acids results in perennial irritation, dry skin and itching.
c. Deficiency of protein results in ‘Kwashiorkor’ having various symptoms such as loss of weight, reduced resistance to infection, retarded growth, pealing of skin, retardation of mental and psycho-motor development etc.
d. Lack of protein and calories result in ‘Marasmus’ and has various symptoms such as body shrunken, loss of appetite, dehydration, diarrhea etc.
e. Lack of vitamins leads to disorders of eyes, night blindness, respiratory infection, faulty development of teeth, spongy gum, poor growth of bones, excessive bleeding after an injury etc.

7. What measures can be adopted for the prevention of malnutrition? List any five and explain.
Following can be adopted for the prevention of malnutrition
1. Economic development
2. Knowledge development
3. Proper storages facilities
4. Control alcoholisms
1. Economic development;
Economically weakness is common causes of malnutrition. Poor family cannot manage required quantity of food due to lack of purchasing capacity. In this way food shortage is a significant cause of malnutrition in many part of the world specially developing country like Nepal. Economically development only helps to control malnutrition.
2. Knowledge development:
Most of the people do not know that homemade food contains more nutrients due to ignorance. Hence they attracted towards instant and expensive junk food items. It also causes malnutrition to the consumers. This can be control by making aware by giving proper knowledge to the people.
3. Proper facilities:
The foods which do not get proper storage facilities do not contain adequate nutrients and there is high change of deterioration in quality. Hence it is also common cause of malnutrition, in this condition, proper facilities necessary.
4. Control alcoholisms;
Individual who are hooked by alcoholism can develop gastritis or pancreas damage. These problems also seriously hamper the body’s ability to digest food, absorbs vitamins, and produce hormones which regulates metabolism. Eventually it results in to malnutrition. So self control alcoholism is necessary.

8. What are the causes and symptoms of kwashiorkor?
Causes and symptoms of kwashiorkor are as follows;
Kwashiorkor is a serve form of malnutrition in infants and children that occurs when there is not enough protein in the diet.
1. Reddish-orange hair discoloration
2. Loss of muscle mass
3. Large belly that strikes out distended abdomen
4. Pale and moon face
5. Muscle cramps
6. Low height and weight of children according to age
7. Persistent diarrhea
8. Swelling due to oedema
9. Irritability
10. Dry skin with cracks

9. List the name of diseases which may transmit through needles.
The diseases transmitted from the contaminated Syringe and needles are:
2. Malaria,
3. Hepatitis-B etc.
The transmissions of AIDS are:
a. The homosexual, bisexual and heterosexual people with multiple partners are prone to this disease.
b. Transfusion of infected blood or blood products.
c. Reusing or sharing of infected needles.
d. During pregnancy or child birth the fetus can be infected by an infected mother.
e. Recipients of semen or body organs from infected person are likely to catch the diseases.

2. Transmission of malaria
1. It is transmitted through mosquitoes bite
2. The homosexual, bisexual and heterosexual people with multiple partners are prone to this disease.
3. Transfusion of infected blood
4. Reusing or sharing of infected needles.
5. Shared personal items

3. Hepatitis-B
1. Exposure to body fluids containing virus
2. Unprotected sexual intercourse
3. Transfusion of infected blood
 4. Reusing or sharing of infected needles.
5. Shared personal items

C. Write short notes
a. Protein
Protein is also known as body building food because the wear and tear of the tissue is repaired by protein which is necessary for the growth and development of children. They are essential to life because vital parts of the nucleus and protoplasm of every cell are protein.
Diseases caused by deficiency of protein areas,
1. Malnutrition
2. Kwashiorkor
3. Marasmus

b. Vitamin B
It is water soluble vitamin. Vitamin B complex absorbed quickly in the body, and the amounts not utilized are execrated in the urine. Vitamin B are, B1, B2, B6, B12. The sources of vitamin B are; Liver, yolk egg, Milk and milk product, green leafy vegetable, fruits, sunlight, vegetable oil, fish, cereals, roots, yeast, flashy food, etc.
1. Needed for energy metabolism and proper function of the nervous system
2. Building tissue
3. Helps maintain good vision
4.  Proper digestion and nervous system
5. Building red blood cell
c. Water soluble vitamin
Water soluble vitamins are Vitamin B complex, and C, they absorbed quickly in the body, and the amounts not utilized are execrated in the urine. The sources of water soluble vitamin are; Liver, yolk egg, Milk and milk product, green leafy vegetable, fruits, sunlight, vegetable oil, fish, cereals, roots, yeast, flashy food, etc.
1. Needed for energy metabolism and proper function of the nervous system
2. Building tissue
3. Helps maintain good vision
4.  Proper digestion and nervous system
5. Building red blood cell

d. Fat
They are known as energy giving food. Fat is the common household name is given to lipids. Fat is concentrated source of energy and it is very important due to its highest caloric density. Sources are; Ghee, butter, cream, lard, fish, milk, fat, meat, oil, mustard, sun flower, rapeseed, etc.
1. Provide energy to the body
2. Helps in absorption of vitamin
3. It helps in protein metabolism
4. It provide support to the vital organ like heart, kidney, intestine, etc.

e. Marasmus
Marasmus is a form of severe malnutrition characterctized by protein energy deficiency.
The preventive measures of Marasmus are:
1. Increase the number of meals per day.
2. Increase the variety of food begin given.
3. Add fats or oils to the diet.
4. Encourage the mother to breast feed the child.
5. Emphasize the use of cup and spoon feeding instead of bottle feeding.

D.  Multiple choices-
1. Which diseases is caused by deficiency of insulin
= Diabetes
2. Which of the following is heart disease?
= Heart attack
3.  Scifientific name of round worm is
= Ascaris lumbricoides

A. short notes
1. Infant mortality rate:
Infant mortality rate is taken as an important indicator of age specific death rate. The death rate out of 0-1 year's age group in population is the highest of each country. In a country where infant mortality rate is high the economic, social and health conditions of the country is regarded to be poor. Infant mortality rate is calculated by dividing the number of deaths of the infants by the numbers of total live births of infants and multiplying by 1000. The formula can be written as follows:

Number of death of infants in a year X 1000

Total live births of infants the same year

2. Poor economic condition:
Economic status is an important determinant of community health. There is little doubt that in many developed countries, it is the economic progress that has been a major factor in reducing morbidity, increasing life expectancy and improving the quality of life. The survey of 2004 AD shows that 31% of the Nepalese populations are living below the line of poverty. It is a well known fact that people living in poor economic condition cannot afford sophisticated health service, hygienic and balanced diet, proper education, healthy housing, healthy ways of living etc. which may lead to poor health, prevalence of various communicable diseases and immature death.

3. Promotional health service:
Promotional health services are those measures which intend to bring the improvement in the present health of the people. The maternal-child health care, communicable disease control programme, mid-day meal programme for the school going children, vitamin A project, etc. are some examples of promotional health services.

4. District hospital:
The government of Nepal has started the hospital facility since 1950 AD. Since then the health of the people has become the responsibility of the government. The hospital existing at different levels have categorized according to their nature, capacity, services and the policy of the Ministry of Health. District hospital provides second level referrals at the district level. It facilities both outdoor and indoor health care services, Of the 75 district of the country only 54 had a district hospital with a capacity of 25-50 beds in 1996 A.D. The hospitals provide the curative health service to the casualty. In brief we may say that the hospital is a place or health institution having the facilities of laboratory, specialized medical diagnosis and treatment and hospital beds for the curative health service of the casualty. The hospital existing at different levels have categorized according to their nature, capacity, services and the policy of the Ministry of Health.

5. National hospital:
The government of Nepal has started the hospital facility since 1950 AD. Since then the health of the people has become the responsibility of the government. The hospital existing at different levels have categorized according to their nature, capacity, services and the policy of the Ministry of Health. National hospitals are located in Kathmandu and lalitpur only. These are Bir hospital, Kanti children hospital, T.U. teaching hospital, Patan hospital and mental hospital. These hospitals provide indoor and outdoor facilities with specialized services by export and specialist. The hospitals provide the curative health service to the casualty. In brief we may say that the hospital is a place or health institution having the facilities of laboratory, specialized medical diagnosis and treatment and hospital beds for the curative health service of the casualty. The hospital existing at different levels have categorized according to their nature, capacity, services and the policy of the Ministry of Health.

B. Long Answer type question
1. Explain the meaning of community health.
Community is a collection of people living in a place within a particular environment. It may be population of different caste, ages, sexes, and nationality. Community health comprises activities of the people, for the people and by the people to identify the health problems, their causes and solutions for the modification and better improvement in personal and environmental health. The roles of community are: To provide facilities, manpower, logistics support and possible funds, The community should help the authority to decide the health priorities, Community may participate in decision making about its health services, It form the organization to solve the existing problems, It formulate the rules, regulations and ways for healthy living and practices.
Thus the main idea of community health is the participation of all members of the community towards better health as much as possible. People should also aware of the health problems in the society and be able to contribute to the solution of the problems. We may summaries the importance of community health under following points;
1. Creation of healthy environment:
As we study Community health comprises activities of the people, for the people and by the people to identify the health problems, their causes and solutions for the modification and better improvement in personal and environmental health. In this process, the idenitification of causes help to the organize the various activities as per the needs of the society by the people which leads towards the solution of the problems. Thus the studies of community health help to create healthy environment.
2. Development of healthy human resources:
The good health of the citizens based on the practice of the Hygienic habits. So, every individual should have to understand the need and importance of personal hygiene and their contributory roles in the maintenance and development of community health. The practice of personal hygienic habit helps to maintain and uplift the standard of living.
3. Availability of health services;
Study of community health helps to identify the health problems and their causes in every sector of the society. It also suggests the way to ensure the better health and healthy environment services. Community health advocates the availability of health services as a birth right of every individual.
4. Sentiment of social service:
Study of community health helps to identify the health problems cannot be solved by individuals alone. It needs group efforts; it encourages the people to work as social activists. It also motivates the social activities to gather the individuals and work in organized form. This organized form help to established club, NGOs, INGOs which work in the society.

2. List out the basic importance of community health.
Community is a collection of people living in a place within a particular environment. It may be population of different caste, ages, sexes, and nationality. Community health comprises activities of the people, for the people and by the people to identify the health problems, their causes and solutions for the modification and better improvement in personal and environmental health. The roles of community are: To provide facilities, manpower, logistics support and possible funds, The community should help the authority to decide the health priorities, Community may participate in decision making about its health services, It form the organization to solve the existing problems, It formulate the rules, regulations and ways for healthy living and practices.
Thus the main idea of community health is the participation of all members of the community towards better health as much as possible. People should also aware of the health problems in the society and be able to contribute to the solution of the problems. We may summaries the importance of community health under following points;
1. Creation of healthy environment:
As we study Community health comprises activities of the people, for the people and by the people to identify the health problems, their causes and solutions for the modification and better improvement in personal and environmental health. In this process, the idenitification of causes help to the organize the various activities as per the needs of the society by the people which leads towards the solution of the problems. Thus the studies of community health help to create healthy environment.
2. Development of healthy human resources:
The good health of the citizens based on the practice of the Hygienic habits. So, every individual should have to understand the need and importance of personal hygiene and their contributory roles in the maintenance and development of community health. The practice of personal hygienic habit helps to maintain and uplift the standard of living.
3. Availability of health services;
Study of community health helps to identify the health problems and their causes in every sector of the society. It also suggests the way to ensure the better health and healthy environment services. Community health advocates the availability of health services as a birth right of every individual.
4. Sentiment of social service:
Study of community health helps to identify the health problems cannot be solved by individuals alone. It needs group efforts; it encourages the people to work as social activists. It also motivates the social activities to gather the individuals and work in organized form. This organized form help to established club, NGOs, INGOs which work in the society.

3. List out the measure health problem of Nepal.
Nepal is country with the increasing population. It has various types of culture. More than eighty percent of the people live in villages. People are economically backward. They lack the knowledge of scientific principles of diseases and maintenance of health. The health problems of the country are various and working out the health schemes efficiently becomes difficult. In this context a critical analysis of the Nepalese community presents some facts responsible for the poor standard of community health. Among the basic requirements of the people, education is an important need. Knowledge, skill and technology can develop through the media of education. It creates social, cultural, political awareness in people and makes them advance. Education plays an important role in the complete development of a human being. The education or literacy percent of Nepalese population is still very low. 39.6 percent of total population is only literate. Education helps to create social, cultural, political awareness whereas illiteracy does not help in developing awareness regarding the consequences of over population growth, environmental sanitation, superstition, hygienic habits, methods to present population growth and such other ways of living and planning for the development. Therefore illiteracy has been accepted as one of the major health problems of Nepal.
Communicable diseases are not regarded as serious health problems in developed countries. In developing countries, however they are major health problems. The diseases like malaria, tuberculosis, leprosy, diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, meningitis, worm, typhoid, venereal diseases are the major causes of immature death in the rural population. A study shows that about 45000 children of Nepal die annually from diarrhea. HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis are widely spreading. However the prevalence of communicable diseases is not so endemic today compared to the past. In fact a high death rate communicable disease reflects a low level of community health.

4. Overgrowth population is one of the major health problems of Nepal. Discuss.
Nepal is country with the increasing population. It has various types of culture. More than eighty percent of the people live in villages. People are economically backward. They lack the knowledge of scientific principles of diseases and maintenance of health. The health problems of the country are various and working out the health schemes efficiently becomes difficult. In this context a critical analysis of the Nepalese community presents some facts responsible for the poor standard of community health. Among the basic requirements of the people, education is an important need. Knowledge, skill and technology can develop through the media of education. It creates social, cultural, political awareness in people and makes them advance. Education plays an important role in the complete development of a human being. The education or literacy percent of Nepalese population is still very low. 39.6 percent of total population is only literate. Education helps to create social, cultural, political awareness whereas illiteracy does not help in developing awareness regarding the consequences of over population growth, environmental sanitation, superstition, hygienic habits, methods to present population growth and such other ways of living and planning for the development. Therefore illiteracy has been accepted as one of the major health problems of Nepal.
The effects of population increase on health are:
a. The increased population demands more health services and facilities which is not possible due to economic and political constraints.
b. The ever growing population has an adverse effect on national health facilities as well as personal health of each individual.
c. The increased population needs huge resources to fulfill their basic needs as well as additional needs, which deteriorates the environment and affect the health of an individual.
d. Overpopulation creates unsafe environments and unsafe environment is the causes of exposure to micro organisms, excessive radiation and health of an individual gets deteriorated.
e. Nutritious food and balanced diet cannot be provided to every member of the society in a poor country like Nepal. The lack of nutritious food and balanced diet is the cause of several kinds of diseases.

5. How is the malnutrition affecting the health of Nepalese people?
When the proportion of the constituents of food is disturbed and the diet fails to meet the needs of the body, then the condition is known as malnutrition. However when we discuss about malnutrition it generally creates an image of under nutrition, and it is a reality that majority of the Nepalese population is suffering from under nutrition. Nepal is an agricultural country. Still malnutrition is one of the greatest health problems of the day ad it is believed that about 70% of children below 5 years are suffering from various types of malnutrition. The major reasons responsible for this problem are lack of knowledge about the food and selection of food, availability and supply of food, lack of food storage and reservation, and poor economic status. The nutritional problem is essentially a social problem because it is one of the major causes of infant death in our country. Thus, nutrition program has been identified as one of the major intervention areas to improve the health status of children by the Government of Nepal.

6. How can an individual help in the promotion of healthy living? Discuss.
Food is the most important thing to live a life. Without food people will not be able live because it is the main source that provides energy to do various works. Balance diet and nutritious food is the prime thing required to have a quality of life. Nutritious food provides energy to do various works. Similarly balanced diet also provides very good immune system to fight against diseases. Therefore a family and couple need nutritious food and balanced diet to live a quality of life.
The state of unhealthy environment and unhealthy behavior of people gives rise to many diseases and health problems. Unhealthy state of the body is always an obstacle to live economically productive life and lead a happy life. In fact, every individual and as a whole community should work to eradicate the health problems. The roles of an individual are:
1. The individual should e aware of the existing health problem.
2. The individual who is the member of a community must have a good habit of personal hygiene.
3. The individual may motivate and guide the family members and others to set hygienic behavior.
4. The individual may provide knowledge and skill to others for healthy living.
5. Undertaking measures for prevention against infection of the diseases to others.

7. List out the major roles of family in the solution of health problem.
In fact, health problems are not just the problem of an individual of a family or a particular community. Food is the most important thing to live a life. Without food people will not be able live because it is the main source that provides energy to do various works. Balance diet and nutritious food is the prime thing required to have a quality of life. Nutritious food provides energy to do various works. Similarly balanced diet also provides very good immune system to fight against diseases. Therefore a family and couple need nutritious food and balanced diet to live a quality of life. The state of unhealthy environment and unhealthy behavior of people gives rise to many diseases and health problems. Unhealthy state of the body is always an obstacle to live economically productive life and lead a happy life. In fact, every family should work to eradicate the health problems. Major roles of family in the solution of health problem areas;
1. Family may help to understand the fundamental behavior patterns of the society.
2. Family may help to protect and promote the health f a child or a helpless and old member through proper care.
3. Family counseling may develop the understanding of healthy living and practices.
4. Family may manage the basic needs of their family members.
5. Family may set a norm of healthy living for the community.
6. Family may provide timely health care and treatment to their members.
7. Parents may teach quality education to their children for the social adjustment.

8. List out the basic forms of available health services in Nepal.
List of the basic forms of available health services in Nepal areas;
1. Preventive health services:
All those means, procedures, and ways adopted to safeguard people from the disease in advance is known as preventive health services.
2. Promotional health service:
Promotional health services are those measures which intend to bring the improvement in the present health of the people. The maternal-child health care, communicable disease control programme, mid-day meal programme for the school going children, vitamin A project, etc. are some examples of promotional health services.
3. Curative health services;
When treatment is given on the basis of diagnosis of the casualty after observation of various signs and symptoms or complaints of the patients, it is known as curative health service.
4. Health Centre:
It provides basic health services, treatment and preventive health services. There is less number of beds for patients. There are 180 health centers.
5. Health posts:
There are 699 health posts. It provides minimum medical and preventive health services to the people of the Ilaka through the medium level health workers. There is more number of beds for patients.

9. Explain the function of health posts.
There are 699 health posts. It provides minimum medical and preventive health services to the people of the Ilaka through the medium level health workers. There is more number of beds for patients.
Major functions of health post are;
1. It provide general medical services,
2. Maternal and child health care services
3. Maternity services
4. Nutrition awareness programme.
5. Assists, evaluate and monitor the health post and sub-health posts.
6. Control and prevalence of communicable disease.
7. Provides treatment to the patients.
8. Refers the complicated cases to the hospital.
9. Supervision of work of village health workers.
10. Explain the functions and administrative set up of health centers.

11. List out the major health programmes of Nepal.
In, fact as health service is one the essential services for human beings; it has been accepted as an integral part of human right. The major health programmes of Nepal, The health aims and strategies of Three Year Interim Plan are:
1. To upgrade the level of sub-health posts in accordance with the destiny and geographical remoteness to reach health post. To upgrade health institutions to primary health centers wherever there isn’t one in an election area.
2. To give priority to all those who are socially, financially downcast; women, indigenous people, dalits, muslims community, senior citizens and physically challenged in providing basic health service free of cost.
3. To make provision such that the free health services provided by governmental and private hospitals be made available to neighboring districts as well.
4. To make health services available to citizens in Far Western Region, Mid-Western Region and marginalized area by developing the infrastructure and increasing health service personnel.
5. To make alternative health services like ayurvedic medicine available to the citizens according to their choices.
6. To continue the services related to the eye run by non-governmental organizations and add more such programs for expansion.
7. To make child inoculation and nutrition more effective.
8. To increase the number of gynecologists in the district hospitals.

10. Explain the functions and administrative set up of health centers.

The government of Nepal has started the administrative set up of health centers and health facility since 1950 AD. Since then the health of the people has become the responsibility of the government.
The administrative set up of health centers and services are;
1. Preventive health services:
All those means, procedures, and ways adopted to safeguard people from the disease in advance are known as preventive health services.
2. Promotional health service:
Promotional health services are those measures which intend to bring the improvement in the present health of the people. The maternal-child health care, communicable disease control programme, mid-day meal programme for the school going children, vitamin A project, etc. are some examples of promotional health services.
3. Curative health services;
When treatment is given on the basis of diagnosis of the casualty after observation of various signs and symptoms or complaints of the patients, it is known as curative health service.
4. Health Centre:
It provides basic health services, treatment and preventive health services. There is less number of beds for patients. There are 180 health centers.
5. Health posts:
There are 699 health posts. It provides minimum medical and preventive health services to the people of the Ilaka through the medium level health workers. There is more number of beds for patients.
6. District hospital:
The government of Nepal has started the hospital facility since 1950 AD. Since then the health of the people has become the responsibility of the government. The hospital existing at different levels have categorized according to their nature, capacity, services and the policy of the Ministry of Health. District hospital provides second level referrals at the district level. It facilities both outdoor and indoor health care services, Of the 75 district of the country only 54 had a district hospital with a capacity of 25-50 beds in 1996 A.D. The hospitals provide the curative health service to the casualty. In brief we may say that the hospital is a place or health institution having the facilities of laboratory, specialized medical diagnosis and treatment and hospital beds for the curative health service of the casualty. The hospital existing at different levels have categorized according to their nature, capacity, services and the policy of the Ministry of Health.
7. National hospital:
The government of Nepal has started the hospital facility since 1950 AD. Since then the health of the people has become the responsibility of the government. The hospital existing at different levels have categorized according to their nature, capacity, services and the policy of the Ministry of Health. National hospitals are located in Kathmandu and lalitpur only. These are Bir hospital, Kanti children hospital, T.U. teaching hospital, Patan hospital and mental hospital. These hospitals provide indoor and outdoor facilities with specialized services by export and specialist. The hospitals provide the curative health service to the casualty. In brief we may say that the hospital is a place or health institution having the facilities of laboratory, specialized medical diagnosis and treatment and hospital beds for the curative health service of the casualty. The hospital existing at different levels have categorized according to their nature, capacity, services and the policy of the Ministry of Health.
Function of health centre:
1. Explain the functions and administrative set up of health centers.
2. The health center may motivate and guide the family members and others to set hygienic behavior.
3. The health center may provide knowledge and skill to others for healthy living.
4. Undertaking measures for prevention against infection of the diseases to others.
5. It provide general medical services,
6. Maternal and child health care services
7. Maternity services
8. Nutrition awareness programme.
9. Assists, evaluate and monitor the health post and sub-health posts.
10. Control and prevalence of communicable disease.
11. Provides treatment to the patients.
12. Refers the complicated cases.
13. Supervision of work of village health workers.