Important Notes and Answers for S.E.E

(Note : When you write differences between you need to mention bases of differentiation too)
The Differences Between Human Resource Development (HRD) and Human Resource Management (HRM) are as follows:

                  A. Human Resource Development :-
1.A continuous Development that intends to improve the performance of people working in the organization.
2.It is a part of HRM
3.It includes Pro-actice performances
4.It is an on going process
5.HRD focuses on the development of entire organization
6.The basic objective of HRD is to develop the skill / knowledge and competency of  workers and entire organization

               B.Human Resource Management \:
1.The application of principles of management manage the people working in the organization.
2.It is a function of Management
3.It brings out reactive actions
4.It is a routine process and a function of administration
5.HRM is concerned with personnel development only
6.The basic objective of HRM is to improve the efficiency of Employees

(Note: Mention the bases of Differences too )
The Differences Between Federal (central ) and Provincial (state) government are as follows :
                         A.Federal (Central) Government
1.Responsible For national security system i.e national unity and territorial integrity
2.Formulate Policies and programs for development and launches them at federal level
3.Makes financial provision or national monitoring policy at federal level
4.Represents nation at regional and international forums

                       B.Provincial(State) Government
1.Responsible for internal laws and order and security system
2. Makes Necessary plans , policies and programs for province
3.Generate revenues locally within the provinces
4.Carries out day to day administration within the federal proince

Four Policies of Balancing the Development in all physical region:
1.Mobilization of means and resources
2.Equal Allocations of Budget
3.Increase of Public Participation
4.Plans and Policies Formulation

The Differences Between Skilled , semi - skilled and unskilled manpower are as follows:
A.Skilled labour 
1.Skilled labour is a labour who have specialised training for a particular profession and also have a long practical experience of the job.
2. They are highly paid. 
3.They Supervise Other personnel in organization .
4.E.g. doctors, engineers, chartered accountants,craft ,trade,industry

B.Semi skilled labour 
1.Semi skilled workers are who have only a part of a professional training of their trade but have sufficient experience in that field. 
2.He has limited authority power .
3.They are paid less as compared to skilled workers. 
4.E.g.carpenters, goldsmith etc.

Unskilled workers 
1.Unskilled workers are employed for carrying out such jobs which do not require any specialised professional skill. 
2.They are paid low wages
3.Extra Physical Eertion is required .
4.E.g. labourers employed at construction site.

 Martyr's Day 16th Magh
 Democracy Day 7th Falgun
 Children's Day 29th Bhadra
Constitution Day 3rd Ashoj
 Loktantra Day Baisakh 11th
 Education Day 8th September
 International Women's Day8th March
 Ganatantra Day 15th Jestha,
 Labor Day 1st May

The Differences between classical dance and folk dance are as follows:
                                    A.Classical dance
1. It is the dance which is performed with the help of music usually and established form which is believed not to be played on an electronic instrument.
2. It is based on the description of classical songs or music.
3. It requires particular types of steps for a particular dance.
4. It needs special costume according to nature and requirement of dance.

                                B.Folk dance
1. It is the traditional dance which is performed in a particular area or country with the help of folk music and song.
2. It is based on the folk culture of any caste and belong to particular tribes.
3. Folk dance is completely free in style and body movements as per the wish of dancers.
4. The costume of a particular community becomes costumes of folk dance of the community.

International Personality:
Kailash Satyarthi:
He was bron in India in 1954 A.D , January 13th in a place called Bidisha,Madhya Pradesh In India He was most honourable devoted social worker .He was a high profile education career as an electrical engineer . His Campaign " Global March Against Child Labour" marks his unlimited and extensive service as a potential citizen. He won Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 A.D.She provided staunch support to girl's education

Malala Yousufzai:
Malala Yousufzai was born in 12th July , 1997 A.D in Mingora , Pakistan . A targeted terrorist attack in a school bus on her return to home looks common and minor indident in Pakistani territory Despite the brutal aatck on the left skull , she was a survivor by a successful treatment in Birmingham , England She was awarded Nobel Peace Prize for her standard support against terrorist Talibanis .She had been recognized by the world after that attack . She Blogged and remained close to BBC

Direct Tax:
 If an individual has to pay the tax, it is called direct tax. When a person buys land, house, etc. he/she has to pay tax and this cannot be transferred to another. Income tax, salary tax, land tax, house tax, etc. are examples of direct tax. The rates of this tax can be more or less depending on the time. This kind of tax helps to balance the currency in circulation. 30% of total revenue is made of direct tax

Indirect Tax :
 When payment of tax is dependent on one, and the effects falls on another, that type of tax is indirect tax. When a person eats in a hotel, and pays a bill inclusive of tax. The hotel pays the tax to the government, but the customer has to pay that tax amount as well. This is indirect tax. Custom tax, VAT, etc. are examples of indirect tax. This kind of tax cannot be cheated, and the range is flexible.

Life Insurance:
 Our life is uncertain, and there may be a variety of accidents and death. A sudden death in the family can lead to the economic crisis of the family. Therefore, each person should insure themselves against the risks to provide financial security. This kind of insurance is called life insurance. Insurance Act, 2049 is defines life insurance as: "Life insurance business involves drafting a contract so that a certain amount paid by a person or the person's heir so that a certain amount will be given in return." 

Non-Life Insurance:
 Home, shop, industries, agriculture, etc. can get damage due to natural or other disasters. Non-life insurance protects the individual or business from such damages. These insurances cover a wide range of disasters including flood, earthquake, landslides, wind, hail, snow, drought, etc. as well as fire, accidents, crashes, etc. These are generally done for a period of one year and renewed annually. The agriculture ministry of Nepal issued the Crops and Processing Insurance Act, 2069 B.S. which insures the crops with 75% paid by the government and 25% by the farmer. 

  i. General election:
The election in which representatives for national level or the parliament are elected is known as general election. It is held after end of every 5 or 6 years.   

ii. Local election:
The election where the representatives of local bodies like DDC, VDC, municipalities, etc. are elected is known as local election.  

iii. Referendum:
The process of deciding any important issue by the popular participation of citizens during voting is called referendum. In this process, the citizens have to choose one out of two options.   

iv. Mid-term election: The election which takes place before the end of the set tenure because of the dismissal of the members of legislative body is known as mid -term election. 

v. By election: The re-election that is conducted because of death or resignation of the legislative or local members is known as by election

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