International Understanding And Co-operation

United Nations Organization
US President Franklin D Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill met in the Atlantic Ocean and decided to prevent the world from any type of war and to maintain collective peace and security throughout the world. So, a treaty called ' Atlantic Charter' was signed in the Atlantic Ocean4 years after the treaty was signed, on 24th October 1945 , 15 countries formally established UNO which headquarter is in New York, USA.

Objectives of UNO
To maintain international peace and security. To develop friendly relations with nations on the basis of respect for the principle of equal rights and selfdetermination of people. To cooperate in international, social, cultural, economic, human rights and to promote human and fundamental rights. To be the center for harmonizing the actions of nations in attainment of achieving goal.

Principles of UNO
Based on the sovereign equality of all its members. All the members should fulfill the charter of the organization. They should settle their differences by peaceful means. They are obliged to give all their support to the UN It cannot intervene in domestic jurisdiction of any nation.
Organs of the UNO

The UNO has 6 organs. They are: 
1. The Secretariat
2. General Assembly
3. Security Council
4. International Court of Justice
5. Trusteeship Council
6. Economic and Social Council.

Those agencies which are set up for a particular purpose or for a particular field are known as specialized agencies.The specialized agencies are working under the Economical and Social Council of the UN. Some of the specialized agencies of the UN are:

International Labor Organization (ILO):
The ILO was established on 11th April 1919. It was initially the agency of the League of Nations but it became the member of UN after it was established. Its headquarter is in Geneva, Switzerland. Functions:
 i. It works for the welfare of labors.
 ii. It provides economic and social security to the labors.
 iii. It helps in the formation of laws regarding the welfare of international labors.
iv. It makes plans and policies for the betterment of the labors and tries to control child labor.

Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO):
It was established on 16th October 1945 and its headquarter is in Rome, Italy. Functions:
 i. It promotes food and agricultural products through effective measures. 
ii. It helps in rural management to raise the living standard of people. 
iii. It makes efforts to eliminate hunger throughout the world.

United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (UNESCO):
It was established on 4th November 1946 AD. Its headquarters is in Paris, France. Functions:
 i.It works for the preservation of cultural and natural heritages of the world. 
ii. It tries to strengthen international cooperation and contribute to global peace and security.

World Health Organization (WHO):
It was established on 7th April 1948 and its headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland. Functions:
 i. It helps to improve the general health of the people around the world. 
ii. It carries out researches regarding different diseases and in the field pf medical field. 
iii. It provides vaccination to fight different epidemics and diseases in the world.

International Monetary Fund (IMF):
It is one of the specialized agencies of UN which was established on 27th December 1945 in Washington DC, USA. Functions:
 i. It helps to improve the world economy by providing financial supports. 
ii. It provides a loan to the member nations to solve financial problems. iii. It maintains a balance of payment in the world.

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD):
It is a part of World Bank Group and was established on 27th December 1945 A.D. and the headquarters is in Washington, US. Functions:
 i. It provides financial support to the members to raise their living standard.
 ii. It tries to reduce poverty of member nations by providing a loan. iii. It maintains financial stability in the world

United Nations Development Program (UNDP):
It was founded on 22nd November 1965 and has been working in 166 countries with its head office in New York, USA. Functions: 
i. It helps its member nations for poverty reduction. 
ii. It helps to raise the living standard of the people by carrying out different development works. 
iii. It builds solution regarding the burning issues of the world like environment conservation, energy conservation, and HIV-AIDS.
 iv. It helps the member countries recover from an internal crisis.

United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF):
It was founded on 11th December 1946 A.D. in New York, USA. Functions:
 i. It protects child rights as well as takes care of women.
 ii. It improves the health of children and develops their skills.
 iii. It conducts various programs regarding nutrition, primary health care, and vaccination.
 iv. It protects children from being tortured or exploited

UN Description:
The number 66, with the blue plate and the flag of UNO, is the identification of the UN vehicle which might be on duty. UNO carry out various activities for the welfare of the people and the country in the world. It has been making several efforts for setting disputes around the world. 193 countries of the world are the member nations of UNO and have been employed about 65000 people under various programmes on education, health, children peace, control of fatal disease, rescue program on emergencies, etc. the UNO spends over 8 billion US $ annually in carrying out the various activities for the human welfare in the world. 

UN Peace Keeping Force:
The UN peacekeeping force works under the direction and command of the head of the peacekeeping mission who has been appointed by the UN general assembly. The peacekeeping force wears the UN blue beret and their own army uniform when they are on duty. They are provided special and tactful training before going to the war victim nations. They are provided with modern weapons but they cannot use the weapons against the fractions there. They have the authority to use the weapons only for self-protection if required.

Functions of Peace-Keeping:
i) It protects to both the warring factions from violent. 
ii) It trains the national armies of the war victim nations. 
iii) It helps for the construction of transport and other infrastructural development in the war victim nations. 
iv) It helps to supply food items, medicines and other required relief packages to the people of the war victim nations.
 v) It clears mines and ambush and makes safety for the local people

The UNMIN was established to help the peace process in Nepal. The UNMIN, the political mission was established on 23rd January 2007 A.D. under the leadership of Mr. Lan Martin. It stayed and helped Nepal for 4 years to establish permanent peace in Nepal. Its function came to and end on 15th January 2011 A.D. during the tenure of Karin Landgren. UNMIN is one of the missions sent by UNO for the restoration of peace and order in Nepal. Roles played by UNMIN in Nepal:
 i) It played a vital role in managing arms and personnel of Maoist established in cantonment camps in various parts of the country. 
ii. It continued its supervision to the activities of Maoist armies and armies of Nepal government and their weapons stored in several cantonments and Nepal’s armies Chhauni Barrack
iii) Assist in the monitoring of ceasefire arrangements 
iv) Provide technical assistance to the Election Commission in the planning, preparation, and conduct of the election of a constituent assembly in a free and fair atmosphere.

The differences Between Globalizaion and Localization are as follows :
1.The process of developing international links on trade , business or good and services 
2.There is expansion of international relationship and cooperation
3.It discourages price hike due to high competition in market
4.It increases the availability of quality of goods and services

1.The process of confining trade , business, or goods , and services in a limited area
2. There is narrowing down of external relations
3.It promotes price hike with no or low competition in among the product
4.It may deprive consumers from using quality goods and services

                                 The Following includes the principles of Panchsheel :

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