Social Problems And Preventions

Domestic Violence:
Domestic Violence is the violence that happens in family members because of their behaviors, speaking tones, duties, rights, reach, etc. of one member to the other. This can result in negative behavior, beatings, pressure, etc. These days domestic violence are rising because of disputes in matter of dowry, property transactions, illegal relations, poverty and illiteracy, etc.

Effects of Domestic violence:
1. The person is tense, mentally distracted, scared and frustrated
2. No excitement for work or any other activity
3. More likely to be involved substance abuse, drug addiction, suicidal tendencies, etc.
4. Feuds in family and bad relations
5. Social discourse, and loss of social values, dignity and respect 6. Negative impact on children and      elderly

Untouchability There is a caste system in our society. This system has divided the castes into two classes- high caste and low caste. Again among some castes in the low class have been declared untouchables. The untouchables are prohibited from touching the touchable, their food, drink, entering, their houses, temples and drawing water from the wells, etc. They are hated and exploited. The Muluki Ain of 2020 BS, the Constitution of the Interim Constitution of Nepal 2047 BS and the Interim Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal 2063 BS have declared all kinds of discrimination unlawful. So untouchability is illegal and punishable, but it in practice in the society. This practice is a social evil. It deprives the so- called untouchables of their social and legal rights. It is an innovation of human rights. It may cause a revolt and break social integrity. Educated persons are against this narrow-mindedness and defective outlook. Young generation must bridge the gap between the high castes and low castes. We are all honorable members of the society.
Effects of Untouchability :
1. Guilty conscious and condemnations in individuals
2. Discrimination in opportunity
3. Low social recognition
4. Social discrimination
5. Social conflict
6. Weak social support and goodwill

1. Increasing awareness
2. Promoting education
3. Strict legal provisions
4. Running progrrams to promote cooperation and harmony
5. Maintaining social inclusiveness
6. Equality Law

Human Trafficking:
Human trafficking is any buying and selling of humans with the motive of labor work, prostitution, or any illegal organ trafficking. This has been defines as per the Human trafficking and transportation control law of 2064. Trafficking is done by giving false pretences of employment or tourism. The most affected group is the people from low income background and simpleminded people. Specially trafficking is done for cheap labor, forced prostitution, forced labor, child labor, etc. Mostly women who have been subjected to discrimination, social pressure, abuse, etc. and children as well as people looking for foreign employment, people affected by child marriage, polygamy, rape, abuse, etc. are the main people who are subject for human trafficking.

Women Trafficking:
 Sexual harassment, labor exploitation, etc. are the main reasons for women trafficking. Traffickers give tempting offers to women like foreign employment, delicious meals, new clothes, etc. to get them to come along. Due to the lack of consciousness, lack of parental care, family violence and extreme poverty, women are targeted for trafficking. In the past, Nepalese women were only trafficked to India, but these days traffickers have extended theor nets into Chine, Korea, Gulf countries, and South-Asian countries too. Nepal Police, Women and Child Welfare Ministry, National Commission for Women, District Development Committee and Intelligence Bureau, etc. government bodies are working on the prevention of these trafficking. Apart from these, Maiti Nepal, Didi Bahini, etc. organizations are also working actively on that front with efforts to reduce the trafficking that occurs. A person needs to be conscious and well aware to prevent themselves from this social evil. Along with the society, the education sector and the media also need to have a positive role to stop this from ever happenning. Women trafficking are illegal. To prevent sexual harassment and abuse, it is necessary to engage in legal proceedings. With various government and non-government organizations, we can control this evil. The increase in the level of consciousness towards the general public needs to increase. The authorities need to control this problem and punish the involved severely.

Children Trafficking:
 The sale and purchase of any child with or without their parental consent is a criminal offence. Taking children away from their family, putting them in danger, making them work in houses, hotels, taking out their organs, making them beg, etc. are illegal and should be discouraged. The society and parents, and other responsible people need to keep alert and be aware of the trafficking. Mostly children are trafficked from urban areas and terai regions. Poverty, parental negligence, trafficker’s activity, unrest at house, etc. are the reasons for children being swayed and trafficked. Security has to be increased and made aware to stop children trafficking. This can be minimized by educating them, creating awareness among parents, getting security in industry and hotels, activism by governmental and nongovernmental sectors, rescue and rehabilitation of children.

Human Organ Trafficking:
 In this day and age, some of the parts of the human body that does not work can be replaced. For such patients, the donor family member or other person helps to make human organ replacement possible. But since most of the family members or other donor people are prepared to take the risk, trafficking takes place there. The buying and selling is major illegal part of the trade, and it is estimated that about 42 percent of human organs replaced are illegally obtained. Environmental pollution and modern eating habits has been credited to the increasing rate of kidney failure in people. Thus Nepal and India have seen an increase in kidney transplants. Along with this, Liver, Eye Cornea, Lungs, Hearts, etc. transplants have been increasing rapidly. Illiteracy, poverty, etc. have played a helping role in the illegal transplants as well. To prevent this, we have to increase awareness amongst the poor, increase health education, and teach how traffickers can steal organs so it can be prevented in the future. Also patient monitoring, risky behavior monitoring, etc. can be done to stop traffickers.

Some Bad Customs:
Dowry system:
The dowry system is the money in cash or goods that the girls parents promise to give to the boys parents for the marriage of the boy and girl. The demand is made by the boys family. There may or may not be the demand rebate. After this deal, the boys parents agree to let their son marry the girl. But if after the marriage the dowry is found less than settled, new brides trouble begins. She is insulted, her father is abused. She is beaten, tortured and sometimes brunt by her husband and in-laws. If the bride is courageous she goes to the police station or the law court to sue her in-laws including her husband. But many don't dare. At the outset, the dowry was a token of love and blessing for the girl from her parents. But now it has become a compulsion, a borrowed loan that the girls parents have to pay at all costs, even by becoming paupers. The dowry is a fatal disease whose infection is spreading to other parts of our country from the Terai. Many girls have committed suicide. Many fetuses have been destroyed in the womb. This inhuman custom must be eradicated. This needs stern legislation. Both boys and girls should take it as a challenge and fight. Both the boys side and the girls side should be punished if found involved. Love marriage and inter-caste marriage should be encouraged. A campaign against this system should be launched. Public awareness should be created by holding meetings, publishing articles in the newspaper, and displaying posters ad placards. Processions should be taken out.

Ghumto Pratha/system:
This custom is prevalent in the Terai. The Muslim girl, especially adult, wears burkha which is made of cloth with two holes at the eyes so that she can see others but others especially men, cannot see her. This custom hampers her education and health. A different kind of Ghumto system is practiced in the Hindu women's. A newly married Hindu girl keeps her head and face hidden from her father in law, elder brother in law and strangers. For this, she covers her face with a part of sari. She seldom goes out of the house. If she has to go out she covers her face. This is gender discrimination. However, with the progress of education and urban civilization, this custom is fast disappearing.

Deuki system:
Deuki system is the custom of offering a child girl to the local temple. This offering is made after the fulfillment of mans desire by the god or goddess in the temple. If the vow-maker has no daughter he can buy a girl for a family. This practice prevails in the hilly region of the far western development region. The girl offered has to spend her life in the temple serving the deity. She has to live on the offering in the form of money and food or any kind which may or may not be enough for her survival. The worst thing is that she cannot marry. This is the violation of the child right, marriage right, family right and above all, human right. It gives birth to an evil practice. This custom is declining fast due to public awareness.

Jhuma system:
The Jhuma system is similar to the Deuki system. It prevails in the Sherpa community in the eastern region. In this system, the second daughter is offered to the Gumba to carry out the services to the god there. The Jhuma has to live an unmarried life. She has an illicit sexual relationship. The son thus born has to live in the Gumba. He becomes the lama of the Gumba. This process violates the child right and family right and encourages the illicit sexual relationship.

i) Mass awareness programs should be organized throughout the country to aware the people, especially in rural areas.
ii) The laws regarding untouchability should be implemented effectively.
iii) Reservation in civil service, police, army and other sectors should be made to schedule castes.
iv) Skill training or employment opportunities should be given to them to uplift their economic condition.
v) We all should work together to abolish this bad social evil

The Scout Association is the world's largest social service organization which was founded in England in 1907 A.D. It was founded by Baden Powell who was a British army officer. During a war, that was going on in South Africa, he was in charge of protecting the city of Mafeking. In spite of being ill and lacking food and medicines for weeks, he fought bravely. The British troops were badly suffered from starvation, illness and fierce attacks by enemies. While fighting in the war, Powell took an interest in poor and underprivileged British children. He gathered the children who were roamed on the street drinking and passing their days without any benefits. He wanted to encourage them towards the sense of leadership, responsibility, and nationality. He gathered such youths and trained them. In 1907 A.D. he founded the scout of 20 boys selecting from different castes and classes. In 1908 A.D. scouts with girl guides were formed in many countries. In some countries, there are traditions of calling girl scouts in guides. In Nepal, girls, as well as boys, were called scouts. Logo of the scout is an emblem.

The main motto of SCOUT is to be prepared which means to be ready to provide services to the needy people who are affected by war, conflict etc. Scout was established in 2009 BS in Nepal. The government of Nepal passed the scout law in 2050 B.S. Now it is working throughout the country. The meaning and its logo reflect duty to do good deeds for the country and its people. The uniform and its scarf are different from on country to another. In Nepal, the boys were dark brown pants and brown shirts and girls wear green frock or sari but the scarf differs according to their company.
Scout activities in Nepal:
1) Scout is actively working to control the crowds of people during various cultural, religious and social and national celebrations.
2) It also manages drinking water during various cultural, religious and social national celebrations. 3) It conducts various programs like plantation, sanitation, and various environment protection plan. 4) It provides first aid to the people who are injured or wounded in the natural calamities like earthquake, flood, landslide, fire and accident.
 5) It provides various skill training to the youths and adults to develop their personal skills and make them self-reliant by developing their leadership skills. 6) It brings out awareness programs on various social, religious, cultural, economic issues as health, education, employment opportunities etc

Red Cross Society
The Red Cross Society is an international organization that was established on 26th October 1863 A.D. in Geneva, Switzerland. A famous Swiss baker named Jean Henry Dunant founded it. In 1859, he had been to Italy on his vacation where there was the war of Solferino going on. The very next day, he saw a battlefield where about forty thousand people were killed and many people were badly wounded. The sight touched Dunant emotionally since there were no doctors or any volunteers to rescue and treat those war victims. After he returned to Switzerland, he wrote a book in which he stated his intention to help the victims of the war and the natural disasters. In 1863 AD, delegated from 16 countries assembled in Switzerland and founded the Red Cross Society.
In Nepal, it was established in 2020 B.S. at Tahachal, Kathmandu. Since then, it has been working a lot in Nepal to serve humanity.
Aims/Objectives/ Principles:
1. Humanity 
2. Neutrality 
3. Impartiality 
4. Volunteer service 
5. Non-alignment 
6. Non-political activities 

The main services provided by the Nepal Red Cross Society are as follows:
1. It has been providing food, clothes and shelter for the victims of natural calamities and the needy people of Nepal. 
2. It has been arranging medical services for poor, sick people and providing free medicine for them and running eye hospitals, ambulance service, etc. 
3. It has been setting up blood banks and making blood available for needy people. 
4. It has been conducting child welfare programs, family planning, primary health case, Human resource Development etc. 
5. It has been providing rehabilitation services for refugees and the people affected by natural disaster etc.  

SOS (Save Our Soul):
The SOS stands for Save Our Soul. It is a renowned international social organization that has been providing social services since its establishment from 1949 AD. The founder of SOS was an Austrian citizen named Herman Gmeiner who established a children Village Austria in 1949 AD. The SOS was established to help the children who had been disabling or orphaned during the World War II. But later on, it started serving children who were abandoned and orphaned children throughout the world. There are SOS children villages in different parts of the world. In Nepal, there are eight such villages. Its main functions are: 1. It provides protection to the children especially to the children who are homeless and orphans. 2. It also provides vocational training to the children to make them self-reliant. 3. It runs the mother retirement homes and social centers for mothers and children. 4. It provides several facilities for games or special exercise to the children in the village. 5. It provides education, health and other additional requirements to the needy children which help to develop a kind of confidence to the children in the village.   

The Scout Association: 
The Scout Associatioon was started in 1907 by Lord Robert Baden-Powell. His vision was to create a better world. He developed the Scout Promise and Law that Scouts still live by today. He began this to stop youths from going wronh way after returning from war. 
Its main functions are: 
1. It runs various programs including training programs to motivate the youths towards social service. 2. It also provides services to the victims of natural calamities. 
3. It carries out various social services like free medical check up, free distribution of medicines, plantation and sanitation programs in the various parts of Nepal.

Some Other Social Organizations:
There are various social organizations which are actively working to eradicate the social problems and evils prevailing in our societies. Various developed countries, international social organizations, UNO, and its specialized agencies help Nepal to eradicate social problems and evils and support the development and constructive works. Some of the social organizations and their support in Nepal are as follows:

Danish International Development Agency(DANIDA):
This organization runs through the assistance of the Denmark government. It is helping to carry out training to the hearing impaired and dumb people of Nepal.Directorate General of International Service: This organization has been set up by the government of Netherlands which is helping kamaiyas, providing accommodation and training to homeless women, and also playing an important role in the proper disposal of waste in the Kathmandu valley.

International labor Organization(ILO):
This organization is one of the specialized organization of the UNO. It is helping in the abolition and prevention of all kinds of child labor prevailing in Nepal.

International Nepal Fellowship:
This is the oldest social organization working in Nepal. It is helping to rehabilitate those who have jeopardized their lives by using drug. It also supports to the victims of the leprosy in Nepal. It conducts various skill training to rehabilitate the leapers. It has set up leprosy hospital in Pokhara to provide free medical treatment to the leapers.Jaycees, Rotary clubs, Leo lions etc. These organizations are helping the disabled and the underprivileged people in Nepal. They are also involved in other social services activities and various health sectors. They also provide services to the victims of natural calamities. They carry out various social services like a free medical check-up, free distribution of medicines, plantation and sanitation programs in the various parts of Nepal.

United Nations Fund For Population Activities:(UNFPA)
This is a specialized agency of UNO. It is helping by encouraging Nepalese men and women to plan their families. It aids population management through effective population growth control methods. It helps the Nepalese women to involve them in various development activities in Nepal.

World food program:
This is a specialized agency of UNO. It has been providing food especially for the Bhutanese refugee in Nepal.

United Nation High Commission for Refugees:
This is a specialized agency of UNO. It is helping refugees for their survival and care.

Norwegian Agency for International Development:
This is the social organization established by the government of Norway to provide free legal services to the poor and needy Nepalese women.

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