We And Our Community

Human Resource:
An individual or a group of people with certain skill and ability .

Human Resource Management:
The process of hiring employees , giving job , supervising , analyzing job and providing  motivation to the employees .

Human Resource Development:
A continuous development that intends to improve the performance of people working in the organization.

Human Resource Planning:
1.Objectives of HRP
2.Analyzing Manpower
3.Demand and supply of HR
4.Employment Plans
5.Training And Development
6.Evaluation of Manpower

Challenges of HRD:
1.Brain Drain / Intellectual Migration
2.Lack of Experienced And Skilled Manpower
3.Demand And Supply unmatched
4.Less Governmental Efforts
5.Lack of HR policy
6.Unjudicious  Utilization of Available means and Resources

Solutions of HRD Managements:
1.Employment Oppotunities
2.Balance between demand and supply
3.Inclusiveness should be targeted
4.Governmental Efforts
5.Effective Mobilization of Available Resources
6.Long term HR policy

(Note : When you write differences between you need to mention bases of differentiation too)
The Differences Between Human Resource Development (HRD) and Human Resource Management (HRM) are as follows:

                  A. Human Resource Development :
1.A continuous Development that intends to improve the performance of people working in the organization.
2.It is a part of HRM
3.It includes Pro-actice performances
4.It is an on going process
5.HRD focuses on the development of entire organization
6.The basic objective of HRD is to develop the skill / knowledge and competency of  workers and entire organization

               B.Human Resource Management \:
1.The application of principles of management manage the people working in the organization.
2.It is a function of Management
3.It brings out reactive actions
4.It is a routine process and a function of administration
5.HRM is concerned with personnel development only
6.The basic objective of HRM is to improve the efficiency of Employees

Human Development Index (H.D.I):
The Indicators that shows the periodic progress in the status of the country's economis , social , educational aspects of human life .The three basic developments of HD are :
1.Long And Healthy Life
3.Decent Standard of living

Factors/Determinants of HDI:
1.Per Capita Income
2.Literacy Rate
3.Life Expectancy

The Purpose of measuring HD are as follows:
1.To identify the condition of human development
2.To set the areas to be improved in human development
3.To improve in Human Development
4.To set future goals of the country and make plans
5.To compare and rank social and economic development of country

Federal System of Government / Federalism:
Federal System of Government is the dual government system in which the administrative activities and power are shared by federal ( central ) government and various states or federal units or provinces of a country.

(Note: Mention the bases of Differences too )
The Differences Between Federal (central ) and Provincial (state) government are as follows :
                         A.Federal (Central) Government
1.Responsible For national security system i.e national unity and territorial integrity
2.Formulate Policies and programs for development and launches them at federal level
3.Makes financial provision or national monitoring policy at federal level
4.Represents nation at regional and international forums

                       B.Provincial(State) Government
1.Responsible for internal laws and order and security system
2. Makes Necessary plans , policies and programs for province
3.Generate revenues locally within the provinces
4.Carries out day to day administration within the federal province.

Four Policies of Balancing the Development in all physical region:
1.Mobilization of means and resources
2.Equal Allocations of Budget
3.Increase of Public Participation
4.Plans and Policies Formulation

Province -1
Area -25905 sq. km. (18%)
Population- 45 Lakhs (17.1%)
Food Crops-Paddy , Maize , Wheat
Cash Crops-Jute , Tea,Sugarcane
Main Features-High literacy rate
Major Caste -Rai , Limbu ,Sherpa
Religious Sites -Halesi Mahadev , Pathibara mata

Province -2
Area -9661 sq. km.(7%)
Population-54 Lakhs (20.4%)
Food Crops-Paddy , Maize , millet
Cash Crops-Jute ,sugarcane,tobacco
Main Features-High per capita income
Major Caste -Yadav,Tharu ,Muslim,Jha
Religious Sites -Janakpurdham , Gadhimai

Province -3
Area -20,300sq. km. (14%)
Population-55 Lakhs (20.87%)
Food Crops-Paddy , Maize ,wheat
Cash Crops-Herbs, Fruits,Vegetables
Main Features-Capital city Kathmandu lies here
Major Caste -Newar,Tharu ,Magar
Religious Sites -Pashupatianth , Swayanbhunath

Province -4 (Gandaki Province)
Area - 21,504 sq. km .(14%)
Population- 24 Lakhs (9.11%)
Major Lakes - Rupa , Fewa ,Tilicho
Main Features-High Literacy Rate
Major Caste - Magar , Gurung , Bahun
Religious Sites - Manakamna , Muktinath

Province -5
Area - 22,288 sq. km. (15%)
Population- 49 lakhs (18%)
Cash Crops-Paddy , Wheat , Maize
Main Features-Enough Arable Land
Major Caste - Magar , Tharu
Religious Sites - Lumbini , Bageswari

Province -6(Karnali Province)
Area - 29,984 sq. km. (20%)
Population- 11.5 lakhs (5%)
Cash Crops- Herbs , Apple
Main Features- Best Possibility of Hydro power
Major Caste - Bahun , Thakuri
Religious Sites - Kakre Bihar , Chandanath

Province -7(Sudur Paschim)
Area - 19,539 sq. km (13.27%)
Population- 25 lakhs (9.63%)
Food Crops- Paddy , wheat ,Maize
Cash Crops- Oilseeds
Main Features- Trade Access with India
Major Caste - Tharu , Thakuri,Bahu
Mountains - Api , Saipal

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